10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering The electronic the TTF VUV-FEL Making the next step R. Kammering -MVP- DESY in Hamburg
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Overview Introduction The TTF e-logbook –The basic technology –How does it look like? –Changes since the first version XYZ Security: Authentication, authorization, … Conclusions / The next step
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Introduction The days before the electronic … log [Encyclopædia Britannica] also called maritime log instrument for measuring the speed of a ship through water. The first practical log, developed about 1600, consisted of a pie-shaped log chip with a lead weight on its curved edge that caused it to float upright and resist towing. When the log was tossed overboard, it remained more or less stationary while an attached line (marked off with equally spaced knots) was let out behind…
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering ? Introduction The 20'th century The year of the XML hype the elog got standard Year 20XX Today
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Classic client – server architecture: User program client Web browser client e-logbook Web server Text + images HTML + JPEG or PDF Combined content Print Upload, typing Text + images The TTF e-logbook
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering The TTF e-logbook UNIX pipe - script User program client Web browser client e-logbook folder XML e.g. PS JPEG HTMLPDF XSLT / XSL FO JAVA servlets XSL XML 2. Store convertcreate 2. Read 3. Create 4. Combine contentlayout 1. Print1. Request5. Response Web server servlet engine e-logbook server
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Lets have a look: External: Internal: The TTF e-logbook
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Navigation Status info. Generate PDF Edit entry Create new entry Main window Automatic hyper linking Powerful search The TTF e-logbook Integrated shift summary
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Set of (configurable) standard information Mail to an expert File upload Spellchecker Edit window The TTF e-logbook
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Complex tree structures possible Many supported data formats Short abstract (gets indexed) The TTF e-logbook Natural integration of documentation
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering TTF VUV-FEL document tree: > 600 entries > 200 Mb (mostly) PDF documents fully integrated into elog (fast access) support for MS/Open Office formats underway The TTF e-logbook
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering The TTF e-logbook Changes since the first version: all HTML code ported to JSP (Java Server Pages) to allow: 1. parameterization of e-logbook specific values 2. one central (XML) conf. file per e-logbook 3. access this values via JSTL (Java Server Pages Standard Tag Library) from within every JSP files
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering DAQ eLogBook … M en MM/dd/yyyy yyyy-MM-dd dd.MM.yyyy %B %Y above beside … ffffff logbook name shift period language setting date format date title format text layout background color Central e-logbook configuration file The TTF e-logbook
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering per e-logbook conf. file allows modular XSL architecture: XML XSL HTML elog.xsl conf.xml keywords spellchecker ORACLE work.xml imports + get data from conf. include rules include oracle.xsl include parse final XSL … The TTF e-logbook
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Storing of shift data to ORACLE DB (JDBC Java Database Connectivity) Acquisition of machine statistics (ORACLE) The TTF e-logbook Further changes: Interoperability Beam statistics Down times
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Bold to emphasize Lists to order things Tables are more readable Lines to comment The TTF e-logbook Links Further changes: Markup functionality (Wiki style)
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering XYZ
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering the mother of all these elogs Thanks: S. Karstensen, D. Sertore, P. Krejcik and J. Tsai for the snapshots The TTF elog got popular … XYZ
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Some statistics: TTF elog is in operation since: Oct > entries have been made ~ 18Gb graphical data / ~25Mb ASCII text Today >30 TTF like e-logbooks are running on ~12 servers … XYZ
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering XYZ ttfinfo.desy.de - Number of unique visitors
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Security: Authenti., authori. Stepwise integration of security: 0. No authentication (2002 version) 1. (multiple-) sign on (since 2005) 2. Single sign on (SSO) 3. Cross domain SSO (CDSSO)
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Security: Authenti., authori. Today's security architecture
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Security: Authenti., authori. Login procedure The DIT (directory information tree)
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Security: Authenti., authori. SSO - possible architecture
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Conclusions Acceptance of e-logbook is overwhelming Ease for cloning was/is high priority World wide accessibility is very important e-logbook is a must for any kind of remote operation Still much could be done (collaborations?) Conclusions
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Security Implement SSO authorization schema Extend authorization to DOOCS … The next step … Elog-core Extend configurable parameters Harden automated elog installation …
10. May 2005 Technisches Seminar DESY in Zeuthen, R. Kammering Online resources: The TTF e-logbook technology: e-logbook for testing: the central TTF e-logbook server: Thanks for your attention!