PSB: FUTURE DIRECTIONS Public Broadcasting Role in the New Environment Kiran Karnik AIBD – UNESCO - FES Seminar on PSB for Central Asian Republics Bishkek, July 2002
CURRENT VIEWPOINTS Nearing extinction ? “Needs protection” “No need” Privatise ?
POLITICO - ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT Liberalisation, Privatisation, Globalisation Ideology of “marketisation” Cut government spending Decreasing role of the State More power with elites “Open skies”; free flow of information
TECNOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENT OF BROADCASTING Advances in digital/compression technologies Progress in satellite technology Satellite and cable TV distribution Direct-to-home broadcasting Internet revolution; new technologies Unlimited choice, low costs
COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT No monopoly; proliferation of channels/choice Global channels; companies with vast resources Very high technical and presentation standards Fragmentation of audience “Seductive” content Unprecedented commercialisation
JUSTIFICATION Private channels catering to the consumer, not to citizens Vast number of channels, but many unmet needs Private channels may have their own agenda PSB could set the benchmarks Need to look at issues from the perspectives of citizens, not merely consumers or audience Means of fulfilling the “entitlement” of all citizens to information, culture and entertainment
PSB : OVERALL ROLE AND POSITIONING Autonomous, independent of government Not driven by commercial considerations Creating and enlarging the public sphere Vital component of civil society Empowering the people, with focus on the disadvantaged
PSB : SPECIFIC ROLES (1) Reaching the unreached geographically isolated: universal access economically deprived disadvantaged minorities Meeting unmet needs of the non-marketised of minorities for specific content/genres of programmes
PSB : SPECIFIC ROLES (2) Setting standards: technical, aesthetic, and content Credible, prompt, available source for information/news Giving voice to the voiceless: reverse flow and public access Providing a platform for horizontal communication
PSB : SPECIFIC ROLES (3) Agenda-setting, and reflecting/provoking informed debate Catalyst and accelerator of socio-economic development Contributing to progressive societal and structural changes
PUBLIC BROADCASTER: ADVANTAGES Widest reach Free-to-air Generally more localised Easier and priority access to events/information Need not be commercially-driven
PSB: IMPERATIVES FOR SUCCESS Decentralise; localise content Relevant, need-based content Better presentation Creative, effective, right-sized organisation Research; responsive system Exploit the power of market mechanisms Keep abreast of new technologies
ISSUES Structure: ensuring autonomy, accountability and flexibility Financing: grant, license fee, advertising, cess Performance indicators: ratings, impact, “brand image” Infrastructure: own, lease/privatise/corporatise, expand New technology: DTH, DBS-Audio, DTT, Interactive TV Cross-service synergy: radio, TV, Net