The Futility of Life?
1: Money
Solomon had loads of money But he ended up hating it His conclusion? Enjoy life!
Wealth is not how much you have but how little you need.
Some people are so poor that all they’ve got is money.
Questions for discussion: Do you think there were poor people in Israel in Solomon’s day? As he looked back on his life, how do you think he felt about money?
Money can’t buy you happiness – but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
How is this relevant to us? We have to work Where is our security? What would Epaphroditus say?
He who loves money will never be satisfied with it.
The more a man has, the more he wants. Instead of filling a vacuum, it makes one.
Questions for personal reflection: If we were to increase our giving to the poor by just 10%, what changes would we need to make to our lifestyles? Can we live abundantly without some things we have now? If our security is in God and not our money, how do we live like we genuinely believe that?