Review of “Isms”
The belief that the history has been created by conflicting interests--the bourgeoisie and the proletariat Socialism
The belief that equality under the law and constitutionalism are paramount to good government Liberalism
Spreading of economic, political, social or other control over foreign lands and people (post-industrial age) Imperialism
Strong sense of belonging to one group based on language, culture, history; desire for unified country Nationalism
Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour Unifiers of Italy
Frederick Wilhelm, Otto von Bismarck Unifiers of Germany
Karl Marx, Frederick Engels Brains behind socialism
Alexis de Tocqueville Wrote “Democracy in America” Liberal theorist Supporter of Constitutional Monarchy Supporter of Reform not revolution
The Communist Manifesto is written by… Karl Marx and F. Engels
Sardinia, Papal States, Austrian territories, Piedmont Before Italian Unification--all independent states Joined the Italian confederation
How could one consider Wisconsin a Nation? Unity brought about by winning the NFL Super Bowl Unified people through sports language and culture Everybody likes cheese
Germany after Napoleon I 38 German State Confederation
Germany over last 300 years 300 Germans provinces and princes Holy Roman Empire Peace of Augsburg 30 Years War/Peace of Westphalia Rise of Prussia Hohenzollerns, Brandenburg Confederation of the Rhine German Confederation Who should lead—Big Germans, Small Germans
Herder’s romantic concept Volkgeist—spirit of the people
Other German romantic nationalists Grimms Brothers, Treischke, Fabri,
1848 Revolution in Prussia sequence Frankfurt Assembly Attempt to unify Germans Disagree over Big/Small Germans Not organized Crown offered to FW IV Frederick William IV turns down crown German Confederation 39 states
Austria areas of revolution Vienna—constitution, liberal, German Prague—nationalist, Czechs/Bohemians, failed, government crushed Budapest—Magyars/Hungarians, Kossuth, March Laws, crushed after several months (1849)
Theorist for Zionism Theodor Herzl
Theorist for Risorgimento/document Guiseppe Mazzini Duties of Man Romantic nationalist
Leader of the Hungarian Revolution 1848 Louis Kossuth
Goals of Hungarians Liberal constitution Autonomy for Magyars/Hungarians Crushed by Austrian and Russian forces
Another 1848 Revolution in Austrian Empire Prague Czechs/Bohemians Also crushed
2 Revolutions in the Prussian Empire? Berlin and Frankfurt 1848
Goal and results of Berlin Assembly created Coalition of workers and students/mid class Desire for liberal constitution Ultimately crushed due to lack of organization, leadership
Goal results of Frankfurt Liberal constitution Assembly formed Unify germans Looked to Austria first to lead (Big Germany Offered crown to Frederick Wilhelm IV Turned down crown from the gutter
Biggest Problem with Frankfurt Lack of organization; waffled on who was to lead Germany
What were the results of the revolutions in Prussia and Austrian Empires Failed, but would eventually be successful with the unification of Germany in 1871 and the Dual Monarchy of 1866 with Austrians and Magyars
What was the February Revo about in France? Workers and Mid. Class unhappy about “banquets” being delayed Wanted political and economic reforms
June Days? Workshops ended Barricades Cavagnac sent troops against people, soldiers followed orders this time Led to 2 nd Republic, new constitution
Decembrists? 1825 uprising of Russian military officers Wanted liberal changes Wanted Constantine, not Nickolas
July Monarch? Louis Phillippe the bourgeois king Pro business, middle class Ineffective by 1848 Came to power in 1830 after Charles X
How were the French Revolutions different from those in other parts of Europe in 1848? Not nationalistic More economic in nature Ended with republic, but then empire of Napoleon III
What other areas of the world have written about and fought for national identity? Greece, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Bosnia, Chechnya, Taiwan, etc.
Slogan Blood and Iron Otto von Bismarck
Realpolitik Do whatever is necessary to carry out goals Bismarck
In a nutshell, how was Germany unified? 3 wars— Danish Austrian/7 Weeks Franco Prussian—ended Second Empire of Napoleon III
French Revolution was this kind of revolution Liberal Revolution
In order to unify Italy, Cavour allied with what country? France
Give the sequence of unification of Italy— Piedmont Sardinia coalition with France War against Austria—Lombardy added Win at Magenta and Solverino Venetia added Garibaldi from South to Rome—added Sicily and lower boot Victor Emmanuel becomes Const monarch Rome added/Papal states, plebiscites
Leader of 2 nd Republic and 2 nd Empire in France? Napoleon III
_______________ is the belief that the world should be viewed _______________ without the emotions of the Romantics. –Realism, Realistically
Romanticists valued ____________ and had a passionate interest in the____________. Individualism, past
Romanticism challenged the Enlightenment and stressed __________ and _____________. Emotion, sentiment
Indochina, Algeria, Tunisia French colonies Assimilation emphasized Revolutions necessary to decolonize
Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico American “Spheres of Influence” After Spanish American War
Motivations for Imperialism… Raw materials and markets Civilizing mission Living space National power
New imperialism is different from old colonialism in what way? Industrial age Need for markets and raw materials Highest stage of capitalism
Lenin believed it was the highest stage of Capitalism Imperialism due to industrialism Need for markets and resources
Key imperialists: Stanley, Livingstone Kichener Rhodes DeBrazza Leopold II
South Africa, Egypt, India, Ghana, Nigeria English colonies gradual decolonization emphasized
Cecil Rhodes, Emigration Societies Rhodes was an British Imperialist Cairo to Capetown Railroad design Emigration Societies got men and women to go to colonies
Imperialism’s Affect on Women-- Need for talented women in the colonies Serve national needs of mother country Jill of all trades
Imperialism’s Affect on Indigenous people? Outside control of resources Outside control of economy and gov’t People begin to want independence
Africa was known as the Dark Continent--Why? Europeans did not know much about the interior of Africa Diseases and lack of maps/transportation kept them along coastal areas
True or False: Decolonization is the process of getting independence from imperialists True
What is militarism? Build up of military Desire to use military to carry out goals of expansion
Define Social Darwinism Based on Charles Darwins scientific theory Belief that survival of the fittest applied to society and social problems too Belief that powerful countries would take over weaker ones
Vocab that means having and wanting to use lots of weapons Militarism
Belief in the power of technology and looking forward Modernism
Burma and Singapore controlled by: England
Cambodia, Laos, and Annam/Vietnam controlled by: France
Thailand was unique in imperialist history because: It remained independent
Saigon and Rangoon were: Major cities in Asia
Coffee, palm oil, and sugar Food resources exported from Asia
Tin, rubber, cotton Natural resources used in industry
What did DeLesseps do? Frenchman who built the Suez Canal Tried to build the Panama Canal and failed
Who was Leopold II? King of Belgium Brutal control of the Congo in Africa
Who were Stanley and Livingstone? Stanley was a reporter and Livingstone was an explorer and missionary Explored Africa
Who was Cecil Rhodes? British imperialist Leader of Rhodesia Idea man behind Cairo to Capetown railroad
Who was Shaka? Great leader of the Zulu tribe