Year 8 Rivers Revision Bell Task You have 5 minutes to read through and revise from your exercise books
Instructions On the worksheet provided complete the revision activities that appear on the screen.On the worksheet provided complete the revision activities that appear on the screen. Each slide will tell you how long you have to answer the question before moving onEach slide will tell you how long you have to answer the question before moving on If you get stuck on any question you may use your exercise book to help youIf you get stuck on any question you may use your exercise book to help you
Question 1 Match up the type of weathering with the correct definition. Physical weathering Chemical weathering Biological weathering Rock is broken up by ice, heat and cold Roots grow into cracks and widen them Rock reacts with air and water to dissolve rock You have 3 minutes to answer this question 30 seconds left
Question 2 Using the diagrams on your worksheet explain how physical weathering takes place You have 5 minutes on this question You have 30 seconds left on this question
Question 3 Give an example of Biological weathering You have 1 minute on this question 10 seconds left
Question 4 Which of these options is the correct definition for erosion?Which of these options is the correct definition for erosion? Wearing away of rocks by rivers, waves, weather or glaciers When materials that are dropped by a river or glacier Materials carried by a river You have 30 seconds on this one 10 seconds left
Question 5 Which of these options is the correct definition for transportation?Which of these options is the correct definition for transportation? Wearing away of rocks by rivers, waves, weather or glaciers When materials that are dropped by a river or glacier Materials carried by a river You have 30 seconds on this one 10 seconds left
Question 6 Which of these options is the correct definition for deposition?Which of these options is the correct definition for deposition? Wearing away of rocks by rivers, waves, weather or glaciers When materials that are dropped by a river or glacier Materials carried by a river You have 30 seconds on this one 10 seconds left
Question 7 A waterfall is a feature made by erosion? True or False You have 30 seconds on this one 10 seconds left left
Question 8 An oxbow lake is a feature made by erosion? True or False You have 30 seconds on this one 10 seconds left left
Question 9 A V-shaped valley is a feature made by erosion? True or False You have 30 seconds on this one 10 seconds left left
Question 10 A delta is a feature made by erosion? True or False You have 30 seconds on this one 10 seconds left left
Question 11 Add the following labels to your diagram of Limestone featuresAdd the following labels to your diagram of Limestone features 1.Joints5. Stalactite 2.Bedding planes6. stalagmite 3.Pothole 4.Cave 5 Minutes for this one You have 30 seconds left on this question
Question 12 What 3 ways can water get to a river? You have 3 minutes to answer this question 30 seconds left
Question 13 Add the following labels to the water cycleAdd the following labels to the water cycle EvaporationPrecipitation CondensationTranspiration Water flows back to the sea 1 1/2 mins here 21 seconds to go!! seconds to go!!
Question 14 Match up the diagrams of the waterfall with their explanationMatch up the diagrams of the waterfall with their explanation 1 minute to go before number seconds left
Question 15 Abrasion is when Rocks and sand knocking off each other Fast flowing water breaks up the bank Rocks and stones knocking together to wear each other away 30 seconds for this one 10 seconds left
Question 16 Attrition is when ………… Rocks and sand knocking off each other Fast flowing water breaks up the bank Rocks and stones knocking together to wear each other away 30 seconds for this one 10 seconds left
Question 17 Match up these terms in the right places on the diagram. BedloadSaltation TractionSuspension You have 2 minutes on this 10 seconds left
Question 18 Write in the following terms next to their definitions MouthSourceDrainage basin Flood plainTributarieschannel River bankSpur 2 Minutes to go 20 seconds left
Question 19 Match up the diagrams with the explanations to show how a v-shaped valley forms 1 minute on this then you are done