Changes in Time Quiz Bowl
Question Define Evolution
Answer Change(s) in Time
Question What can fossils tells us about the past?
Answer 1. Evidence of previous life 2. Evidence of behavior of an organism 3. Evidence of how that organism can to be 4. Evidence of features and how they may have changed over time 5. Age of the organism 6. Better understanding of our world
Question List 2 specific examples of how fossils can tell us about behavior of an organism.
Answer 1. Trilobite can be seen rolled up-protection 2. Fossils of parents and young together- that the parents stayed and cared for young 3. Fossils of lots of the same organism together- they lived in herds
Question Describe 2 ways that fossils can form.
Answer 1. Mold- fossilized impression in a substrate 2. Cast- formed when a mold is filled up 3. Trace- fossilized nests, burrows or footprints 4. True Form- part of the actual animal such as bone, teeth or claws
Question Describe the theory of Natural Selection or Survival of the Fittest
Answer Process by which those inheritable traits make it more likely for an organism to survive and successfully reproduce become more common in a population over successive generations.
Question What is the difference between Uniformitarism and Catastrophism?
Answer Uniformitarism: idea that some geologic processes have been at work shaping the Earth throughout its history Catastrophism: states that geologic change occurs suddenly
Question Describe the Law of Superposition and draw an example
Answer Law of Superposition states that younger rocks lie above older rocks if the layers have not been disrupted
Question What can ice cores tell us about the Earth’s past history?
Answer 1. Climate Change such as Global Warming 2. Volcanic Activity 3. Environmental Temperature 4. Date or Time Period 5. Sea Storminess 6. Air Pollution 7. Radioactivity
Question List 3-5 piece of evidence that support the idea that Pangea could have existed.
Answer 1. Plate Tectonics: solid, broken crust floats on liquid magma; plate have the potential to move 2. Continental Drift: because of plate tectonics, the plates have moved over time 3. Some coastlines of continents seem to fit together like a puzzle 4. Some of the coastlines that fit together have similar fossils 5. Some of the coastlines that fit together have similar rock layers in sequence
Question What is an Unconformity? Draw a picture to explain.
Answer Unconformity: a break in the geologic record created when rock layers are eroded or when sediment is not deposited for a long period of time
Question What is the difference between Chemical and Mechanical Weathering?
Answer Chemical: process that breaks down rock through chemical reactions where a new substance is formed Mechanical: process occurs when rock is physically broken down by wind or water
Question List 3 examples of chemical and 3 examples of mechanical weathering
Answer : Chemical: 1. Water dissolving minerals in rocks 2. Exposure to oxygen or carbon dioxide in the air reacting with chemicals in the rock 3. Acids from plants or acid rain dissolving minerals in the rock Mechanical: 1. Trees growing into a rock and splitting it 2. Water freezing in cracks and causing cracks to expand 3. Abrasion from wind or water and smaller particles 4. Pressure being applied on top or underneath the rock
Question What is the difference between Relative and Absolute Dating and how would scientists use the form of dating?
Answer Relative Dating: comparing events in relationship to each other from youngest to oldest; scientists might use this to show the law of superposition Absolute Dating: being able to define an actual date/time period for an event; scientist might use this to date rock layers or fossils by using radiometic dating techniques
Question What is the Geologic Time Scale and how is it divided?
Answer It represents the entire history of the Earth since its formation. It is broken up into time periods where the greatest changes in biodiversity happened.
Question What are index fossils?
Answer Fossil that is found in rock layers of only one geologic time age that is used to establish the age of the rock layer
Question List at least 3 different types of catastrophic events.
Answer 1. Volcanic Eruption 2. Earthquake 3. Meteor striking Earth 4. Natural Disasters-tornado, hurricane, flood
Question Put the following rock layers in order from youngest to oldest.