Form 4 Topics 1.Weather and climate Weather instruments; a.Wind vane and wind rose b.Hygrometer c.Six’s thermometer d.Aneroid barograph e.Rain gauge f.Stevenson screen (characteristics and sitting of the screen)
Factors influencing temperature and climate in Brunei: a.Latitude b.Monsoon winds c.Relief d.Land and sea breezes To explain the path of monsoon winds
Climatic features of equatorial and tropical monsoon climates a.Equatorial climate High temperature of 27-28°C Small annual temperature range – 2°C High total annual rainfall, 2000 – 2500mm Rainfall throughout the year, no distinct wet and dry season
b) Tropical monsoon climate Temperature slightly lower than equatorial climate A distinct wet and dry season Annual rainfall- less than 1500 mm
2. Natural Vegetation a.Tropical vegetation i.Tropical/ Equatorial rainforest ii.Tropical monsoon forest iii.Mangrove swamps Importance of forest Forestry in Amazon Forestry in Sabah and Brunei
b. Temperate forest i.Temperate deciduous forest ii.Coniferous forest Compare the characteristics of different kind of forest: i.Equatorial Vs temperate forests (deciduous and coniferous) ii.Equatorial Vs Tropical monsoon forests etc.
3. Crustal Movement Constructive and destructive plate boundaries Formation of oceanic ridge, oceanic trench etc. Types of volcanoes – explain the formation Earth quakes – seismometers, richter scale, magnitude
4. Weathering a.Physical weathering Alternate expansion and contraction Frost action Salt weathering Pressure release b. Chemical weathering Carbonation Oxidation Hydrolysis
c. Biological weathering Bio-chemical (plants, animals and human) – Decomposition of leaves and animals – Industrial activities of human being Bio-physical (roots of trees, earthworms, rats etc) – Deforestation exposed the rocks to the weathering agents
6. River Landscapes i.Works of river Erosion, transportation and deposition Erosion – CASH (Corrasion/Abrasion, Attrition, Solution, Hydraulic Action) Transportation – 3 S, 1 T (Saltation, Suspension, Solution and Traction) ii. Erosional features Waterfalls Rapids River cliff Ox-bow lake Interlocking spurs gorge
iii. Depositional features Floodplains Levees Slip-off slope Delta
7. Coastal Landscapes Types of waves i.Destructive and ii.Constructive waves Wave erosion – CASH Transportation – longshore drift Erosional features: i.Headlands and bays ii.Wave-cut platform iii.Notch, cave, arch, stack and stump
Coral reefs (practice how to draw diagrams): a.Fringing reef b.Barrier reef c.Atolls Factors favour the growth of coral Coastal protection: i.Groyne (to stop longshore drift) ii.Sea wall iii.Water breaker
Form 5 Topics 1.Population studies Population terms Must know how to explain the population pyramids: i.Broad based ii.Rectangular iii.Narrow based / bee-hive
Demographic transition model Population policies: i.One-child Policy in China ii.Have three or more if you can afford to in Singapore iii.Transmigration in Indonesia Population distribution in Brunei and East Malaysia (must know the reasons of different population density in different district)
2. Farming Terms (subsistence, commercial, intensive, extensive etc) Types of farming i.Shifting cultivation and market gardening Brunei and East Malaysia ii. Plantation (MUST prepare) Tea plantation Oil palm plantation iii.Green Revolution in India (Wet Rice Cultivation)
farming in Brunei: a.Factors b.Problems c.Solutions Always remember, factors influencing farming: i.Physical – climate (temperature and rainfall, soil, relief) ii.Human and economic (capital, labour, seeds, fertilisers, machinery etc.)
2. Fishing Read the past year questions will do (4)13 – (4)20 Fishing in Japan Fishing in Brunei 3. Oil and Gas (6)12-(6)16 Read past year questions will do 4. Industry (Optional) Factors Iron and steel in India and Japan
5. Tourism Notes and June 2009 questions