Hillcrest Ski Club Last Minute Information
Ski Club Begins!! Ski Club will begin tomorrow! There is a great deal of information on this PowerPoint. There are also two videos that you need to pay attention to. Here we go!
Paperwork and Money Owed Renters need to put their birthday on the blue Rental Information Form Take your Parent Letter Home Letter states if you owe Money NO MONEY – NO SKIING OR BOARDING!!!!!!
Chaperones We are always in need of chaperones. If your parents are interested, have them Mrs. Duncan, Mr. Patrick, or Mr. Cuturillo. Chaperones are needed on the bus, in the ski lodge, and on the slopes. We also need 2 parents a week to drive the equipment to Hidden Valley. This information is in the letter.
Equipment Drop Off on Thursdays Put your name on EVERYTHING!!! Bring the equipment into the cafeteria. Put the equipment near the stage along the wall. Please be neat! Parents can bring it in beginning at 7:15 am. Students can bring in at 7:30 am. No equipment can be taken on the bus to school in the morning.
Dress for the Weather Temperatures are usually 5 – 10 degrees colder. There is a wind chill. We will be skiing most of the time without the sun shining – it will be cold. Bring extra gloves, hats, scarves, socks, etc. Don’t forget your coat.
Bus Information Do your homework on the way to Hidden Valley. It will be dark when we come home. You MUST wear a coat on the bus. – If the bus breaks down, it will be at least an hour with no heat before another bus comes.
Lessons You will be grouped according to whether you ski or board. Then you will be grouped based on your ability level. BE HONEST. Don’t say that you have skied before just to go with a friend. The instructors will know. If you miss a lesson, you will NOT be able to ski the rest of the night. Everyone will meet at the same place the first day. Remember where your instructor told you to meet for the next time!!! PAY ATTENTION!!!!!
Dinner There is no longer a Subway at Hidden Valley. The “Filling Station” is sort of the same. The entrance is the old exit. They have the pretty much the same food. If you forgot money or didn’t pack a dinner, please see Mrs. Duncan to borrow money. – You will need to sign an “IOU” to get $10. This is enough to get something to eat.
Renters The rentals will be different. We have a parent going up early on Thursday. She will enter everyone’s information – Remember to add your birthday to the Blue Rental Information Form!!!!! You will take the “slip” form Hidden Valley to get your boots, ski/board, poles, and helmet. They have a place for you to put your shoes. Watch the video.video
Responsibility Code There are rules to skiing and snow boarding. You are now going to watch a short video about these rules. Your ski/board instructors will remind about these rules.
Edmodo Your parents can log on to Edmodo with the code on the “Edmodo Registration Form” to get information about Ski Club. Cancellation Information If we are leaving late from Hidden Valley.