February 16 th, 2012 Digging Deeper Into Obama's 2013 Budget –The $ 3.8 trillion plan calls for new government spending, including stimulus-style spending on roads. It also seeks to achieve $4 trillion in deficit reduction over the next decade –The Pentagon will cut $259 billion from planned spending over the next five years. –$0.5 billion more to research energy efficiency and eliminates $4b subsidies to oil and gas, new fees to oil/gas on federal lands, research environmental impacts from fracking –Little mention of “climate change” Why California Almonds Need North Dakota Flowers (And A Few Billion Bees) –This is one of those stories that reminds us that everything really is connected to everything else.
February 16 th, litres / gallon 0.76 E / $1 (Feb 14, 2012) 1.85/0.76 = $2.43 * 3.79 = $9.23 Current U.S. average = $3.52
February 16 th, 2012 In France, Drivers Face Gas Prices Of $8 A Gallon –Prices are up because of problems with two of France's main oil suppliers. Nigeria is racked by civil unrest, and European Union sanctions bar France from importing oil from Iran –The head of Total, France's largest oil company, said he could not exclude prices going as high as 2 Euros a liter — or more than $10 a gallon –If that sounds familiar to you, it should. As ABC News reports, here in the U.S., analysts are predicting high gas prices for American drivers this summer — more than $4 in many areas, from a current average of $3.52. –The last time we saw prices in the $4 range? That was in the summer of 2008, also a presidential election year.
February 16 th, 2012 Lawmakers reach deal on $150B plan that would extend payroll tax holiday –Deal would let average worker keep an extra $1,000 a year. A vote could come as early as Friday. Student fees won’t be as high as admins expected Univ. study examines phone use –People using phones unlikely to help others Grand Ballroom will be turned into temporary ice rink for event –or waiting for the Anacostia Watershed to freeze over in this globally-warmed winter.
No reason to assume cold European winter ahead – too many sunspots Winter : More Indications Of A Cold Winter (Due To Global Warming!) Another Cold Central European Winter Coming, Early Forecasts Show