Early detection of cancer
CaNcEr CaUtIoN sIgNs C hange in bowel movements like diarrhea A sore that doesn’t heal U nusual bleeding or discharge T thicking that appears anywhere on the body. I ndigestion or complications swallowing O bvious changes in warts or moles N agging hoarseness S udden loss of weight
DiseaseEarly symptomssurvival Brain and nervous system cancerPersonality changes, bizarre behavior, headaches, dizziness, balance disturbance, vision changes, nausea, vomiting or seizures Poor to good Breast cancerUnusual lumps, discharge from the nipple, Good,about 50% Hodgkin’s DiseaseSwelling in neck, armpits or grion: lymph nodes good 54% leukemiaActs like an infection with fever, and lethargy and other flu like symptoms. Tendency to bruise or bleed easily poor to good up to 50% depending on the type Skin cancerDiscoloration, swelling, sores, or lumps. Excellent up to 90% Testicular cancerSmall hard, painless lump, sudden fluid in the scrotum and pain in the region between the scrotum and the anus Good to excellent 66 to 86%
Cancer treatment Surgical removal of the tumor can stop the cancer growth at a site, especially if the cancer is still small. Radiation therapy is used in several ways to kill cancer. A beam is used on the cancerous area to destroy it. Sometimes some cancer cells may lie outside the beam and become unaffected. Chemotherapy is a chemical treatment. once in the body it has a major advantage on a tumor that is metastasized. It seeks out escaped cancer cells and destroy them.
Side effects Both radiation and anti cancer kill cancer tissues and normal tissues, cells that divide rapidly are most affected. Other side affects are skin damage, hair loss, and fatigue. Some treatment may produce diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting.
Living with cancer The battle inside can be discouraging and seem endless but with new technology and medical treatments make living through cancer more likely. Treatment may often affect a persons life in many ways. Like grief, fear, hopelessness,