Standard 12.2: Students analyze the elements of America’s market economy in a global setting Standard 12.6: Students analyze issues of international trade and explain how the U.S. economy affects, and is affected by, economic forces beyond the U.S. borders. SWBAT: Define globalization and identify it’s pros & cons, myths & realities
Globalization The process of making something, such as a business, international or the result of this. What is the result of this? Discuss the pros & cons with your partner.
10 Myths of Globalization Myth: Something people widely believe to be true but is actually false. Skim your myth With your partner/group you will: Read your myth aloud Give one example from the reading of why the myth is untrue (have your example written down)
MYTH #1 Increased Trade Equals More Jobs For Americans at Higher Wages. Why this is false:
MYTH #2 Governments Protect the Environment More as Global Trade Creates Economic Growth. Why this is false:
MYTH #3 Foreign Investment Automatically Raises Living Standards. Why this is false:
MYTH #4 Free Trade Benefits Consumers. Why this is false:
MYTH #5 Globalization “Lifts All Boats” Why this is false:
MYTH #6 What Benefits Corporations Benefits Us All. Why this is false:
MYTH #7 Sweatshops Are Not Necessarily a Bad Thing; That’s How the United States Developed, After All. Why this is false:
MYTH #8 Immigrants Are a Drain on the U.S. Economy. Why this is false:
MYTH #9 Globalization Will Spread Freedom and Democracy by Increasing Trade Between Nations. Why this is false:
MYTH #10 U.S. Workers Don’t Need to Worry About Globalization Because We’re So Much More Productive. Why this is false:
Wrap-up Why do countries trade? What do countries trade? What are the terms of trade? What are some of the costs and benefits of international trade?