2007 Canine Health Foundation National Parent Club Canine Health Conference St. Louis, Missouri October 19-21, 2007 Proceedings and Summary
The Story So Far The Canine Health Foundation Founded in 1995 Seventh biennial Parent Club Conference More than $20 million in research grants More than 2,000 researchers from Netherlands to California
The Story So Far Alliances Make It Happen American Kennel Club Nestlé Purina PetCare Company Canine Health Information Center (CHIC) Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
The Story So Far The Canine Health Foundation Mission: To develop significant resources for basic and applied health programs with emphasis on canine genetics to improve the quality of life for dogs and their owners.
The Story So Far Two funding categories OAK grants $12,000 to $250,000 in value + 8% overhead Assessed annually and peer reviewed $1.8 million in annual funding ACORN grants Maximum $12, % overhead More than 100 approved $400,000 annual budget
The Story So Far Three areas of research Prevention 78% of major grant money Includes genomics research Treatment 13% of grant money Cure Stem cell treatments to reverse the effects of disease
The Story So Far Basic prevention principle “…Don’t eradicate good dogs from your breeding programs because they’re carriers…But that means knowing who is and who isn’t a carrier.”
The Story So Far The human/canine connection Genetically, dogs and humans are % similar Breeding practices are responsible for many canine diseases Research on Dobermans with narcolepsy has led to tests of a therapy that, if effective in dogs, could help 250,000 Americans
Genetics primer Phenotype is an animal’s appearance Genotype is its genetic characteristics The genotype is determined by animal’s DNA Genes are regions on a DNA strand that govern the specifics of the genotype, like hair length DNA strands are made of nucleotide bases that combine to form the template of a gene The Story So Far
Genetics primer cont’d Canines have more than two billion nucleotide bases, and 20,000 unique genes, packaged in 76 DNA regions called chromosomes Chromosomes come in pairs Within the chromosomes, the two copies of each gene are called alleles Each pair of genes is called a diploid, and each is responsible for a specific trait, like hair color The Story So Far
Alleles Dogs have two alleles in each chromosomal pair Alleles can be identical or different, dominant or recessive In meiosis, a puppy receives one randomly selected allele from the pair of each of its parents, forming a new combination The Story So Far
Prevention Breeds and genetic study There are about 400 domestic dog breeds, from 100-1,000 years old Comparison of distantly related breeds that share a disease but little genetic information can reveal the most likely genetic source of the disease Population studies allow researchers to learn a great deal from just one generation
Recommendations for healthy breeds Breed away from harmful alleles, before breeding for diversity Overuse of one sire spreads harmful genes and eliminates positive ones from other good dogs Genetic disease is controlled by reducing the frequency of dogs with defective genes Genetic diversity is breeder diversity; we need a healthy range of opinions on the ideal dog Prevention
Prevention Approaches to breeding Strategies to encourage or discourage particular traits in dogs: Inbreeding Line breeding Phenotypic breeding Outcross breeding Compensatory breeding
Prevention Canine Oncology and Genomics Consortium Samples are the key to research A central tissue sample repository will advance research rapidly Collection sites are already established at: Ohio State University Colorado State University University of Wisconsin-Madison
Prevention Canine reproduction Spaying and neutering prevent overpopulation 56% of litters are unplanned Neutering males reduces the risk of some diseases, increases the incidence of cruciate ligament injury Spaying females reduces common, frequently fatal diseases, but increases the frequency of urinary incontinence
Prevention Canine vaccination Immunity is part innate, part acquired The acquired immune system remembers every antigen or organism it encounters Vaccines stimulate the acquired immune system
Prevention Canine vaccination cont’d Infectious vaccines: Modified live vaccine Vector vaccine Non-infectious vaccines: Inactivated or killed vaccine Recombinant subunit vaccine
Canine Influenza Virus (CIV) West Nile Virus Leishmaniasis Rabies Intestinal Parasites Brucellosis Tularemia Leptospirosis Infectious disease Treatment
Treatment Canine ophthalmology CHF is helping to fund research projects for two eye diseases: Ocular melanosis in Cairn Terriers Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
Treatment Cruciate rupture and arthritis Signs that arthritis may cause canine cruciate rupture: Roughening at edges of bone Excess fluid within joint Inflammatory cells in joint fluid Bacteria present in many affected dogs
Treatment Hyperparathyroidism in Keeshonds A genetic test for PHPT was successfully developed thanks to: Samples from a variety of owners Funding from CHF Availability of technology
Nutritional Treatment Nutrition and the immune system Four stages of intervention: Basic feeding of a complete, balanced diet Adding nutrients like vitamin D, copper, selenium Adding probiotics and whey protein Tailoring the diet to the dog’s individual needs
Nutritional Treatment Nutrition for the active dog Positive components in an active dog’s diet: High fat High protein Antioxidants Glucosamine Omega-3 fatty acids
Nutritional Treatment Benefits of a balanced GI tract Good bacteria help the body by: Improving overall nutrition Promoting a healthy immune system Helping to treat diarrhea
Closing in on a Cure Cytotherapeutics Stem cell research is being conducted for such diverse conditions as Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) Spinal cord injuries Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) deficiency
Closing in on a Cure Cardiology and stem cells Adult stem cells exist in bone marrow, the liver, and the heart Bone marrow stem cells have the potential to become nervous tissue, bone, or heart muscle Tests show that stem cells injected into the heart remain there
Closing in on a Cure Canine cancer and stem cells Existence of cancer stem cells has been demonstrated Cancer stem cells can self-renew, reproduce Mutated stem cells may resist therapy, then metastasize Better knowledge may lead to treatment
Closing in on a Cure Cancer at the breed level Golden Retrievers have… A high rate of cancer Predominance of specific cancers A high rate of immune-mediated diseases … indicating an inherited disposition for cancer.
Closing in on a Cure Responding to canine cancer myths FACT: Even incurable cancers can be treated or managed FACT: A “wait and see” attitude leads to tumors that are larger and likely to spread FACT: Chemotherapy has few side effects and risks FACT: Age is not a factor in treatment FACT: Radiation rarely has side effects
Closing in on a Cure Are we ready for cytotherapeutics? Much to learn about the effect of stem cells on cancer Research funding is weighted toward prevention Support of dog owners is needed
What’s Next? Canine Health Information Center Open Health Database and DNA repository Uses test protocols set by Parent Clubs Allows breeders to take advantage of future DNA tests Enjoys enormous participation in sample submission
What’s Next? Orthopedic Foundation for Animals Online survey Current pilots: Labrador Retriever and Australian Cattle Dog Gives Parent Clubs access to technological expertise First come, first served
What’s Next? American Kennel Club Update AKC Veterinary Outreach Scholarships College seminars Internship program AKC Veterinary Network Bridges clubs and veterinary community Public education Provides resources to individuals, clubs
What’s Next? Canine Legislation Dangerous dog laws Cruelty to animals Tethering Breeding restrictions AKC Legislative Affairs can help!
What’s Next? AKC-CHF Fundraising MEETING THE CHALLENGE We need your support Contributions Volunteers to tell the story CALL US TODAY! Jeff Sossamon (888)