DAILY REVIEW #4 11. Make corrections on quiz. 12. What different items have been used to determine the paleoclimate? 13.What patterns have occurred in the past climate? 14.What is lake effect snow and what causes it? End
TOPOGRAPHY Impacted by mountains Orographic Air lifts up Rises, cools Reaches dew point… Rain shadow Precipitation falls on western (windward) side Dry air on other side Wet area on west, dry area on east Seattle Colorado
CARBON CYCLE….WHAT? WHY? Movement of C: land, atmosphere, ocean Why does it matter? Building block of life Many minerals, chemical processes Significant gases in the atmosphere Major role in energy balance climate
WHERE IS THE CARBON? (SINKS) Plants Short term storage Soils/rocks Fossils, fossil fuels Long term storage Atmosphere Ocean – 65% of carbon storage Photosynthesis Shells Absorbed Deep ocean holds most due to… Cold water High pressure Low salinity Long term storage
WHAT RELEASES CARBON? (SOURCES) Decay Burning Plant material Fossil fuels Respiration Volcanoes Weathering rock
DAILY REVIEW #5 15.Describe 2 different sources and 2 different sinks for carbon. 16.Explain why the areas on the map below are red. Remember red means they are carbon sources. 17.Explain why the areas on the map below are blue. Remember blue means they are carbon sinks. 18.(Group time only) Share your carbon model. End
COMPOSITION OF ATMOSPHERE & GREENHOUSE EFFECT Most sunlight reaches surface Some reflected Some absorbed Absorbed by surface objects Heat up Give off IR Hotter = ? IR IR absorbed by greenhouse gases Keep surface warmer But not too warm Greenhouse gases Main: water, carbon dioxide, methane (CH 4 ) Others: ozone, nitrous oxide (N 2 O)
DAILY REVIEW #6 19. How would you describe the greenhouse effect to your little brother/sister/cousin? 20. What are the most significant greenhouse gases? 21. What can change the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Describe at least 3 different things. End
SEASONS Caused by Location in orbit Effected by Tilt May, June, July Northern Hemisphere Southern Hemisphere Nov., Dec., Jan….
MILANKOVITCH CYCLE Shape of Earth’s orbit changes Natural Cycles Evidence in paleoclimate Next Ice Age ~15,000 years All together similar 440,000 years ago How does it effect climate? Closer to the Sun = ? 3 ways to change
MILANKOVITCH – PART 1 - ECCENTRICITY Orbit is elliptical How elliptical changes….sometimes more of a circlecircle How does this effect climate? Cycle = 100,000 years Currently Becoming more circular How would that effect climate?
MILANKOVITCH – PART 2 – OBLIQUITY Tilt of Earth changes At maximum tilttilt Higher seasonal variation Hottest summers, coldest winters Cycle = 41,000 years Today: Medium tilt How should that effect climate?
MILANKOVITCH – PART 3 – PRECESSION Earth wobbleswobbles Caused by gravity of Sun and Moon Changes when seasons occur during Earth’s orbit Today: Summer here when furthest from Sun Summer in Southern Hemisphere when closest to the Sun How does that effect climate? Cycle = 26,000 years
HOW ELSE DOES THE SUN CHANGE? Sunspots 11 year cycle High # = ? Climate Luminosity Increases with age Effect on early Earth Climate? But there was more CO 2 ….