1 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA Overview of the Czech leasing market: 1.State of development 2.Particularities 3.Macroeconomic role 4.Perspective
2 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 1.State of development phases of development volumes customers commodities consolidation role of CLFA
3 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA Phases of development of leasing market 1.Start – up purpose of leasing – full financing of lesse’s investment full-payout leases depreciation tax benefits transfer of asset risks absence of basic regulation of leasing Czech leasing market early nineties 2.Growing competition differentiation in lease products elaboration of service aspects of leasing reducing cost of the lease gradual introduction of leasing regulation Czech leasing market at the turn of the century
4 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 3.Operating phase stark contrast to medium-term loans non full-payout leases lessors assume a significant amount of residual asset risks transfer of tax benefits to lessee operating leases leasing regulation elaborated Czech leasing market at present 4.Elaborated lease patterns tailoring leases to specific needs of lessees frequently large value contracts inclusion of leasing in overall project financing packages innovative arrangements for cheaper funding, security and equity stake in leasing Future of the Czech leasing market
5 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA * 2008 – change in taxation regime of leasing (longer terms of leasing, elimination of shorter depreciation in leasing) *
6 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA
7 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA
8 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA Consolidation Share of leaders on the market: top threetop fifteen %87 % %80 % %83 % a really concentrated leasing market
9 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA Consolidation 90 % of the volume of all assets on lease in books of 15 companies 8 leaders (of top 15) – bank subsidiaries 4 leaders (of top 15) – captives mostly subsidiaries of pan-European banks/lessors
10 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA Czech Leasing and Finance Association established 1991 59 members, out of it – 40 providers of leasing (2010) aims: efforts towards creation of economic and legal conditions conductive for leasing coordination and promotion of common interests of members activities: dialogue with state authorities (lobbying) cooperation with non-governmental interest groupings dissemination of information on leasing gathering and processing information for members (a fortnight bulletin, WEB) analyses of selected problems of leasing (expert committees) prevention of crime in leasing ethical code of conduct arbitration in leasing leasing statistics contacts with other leasing markets and/or associations (LEASEUROPE) etc.
11 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 2. Particularities No state (banking) supervision liberal and flexible approach of state authorities toward leasing non-deposit taking entities no direct medium for implementing fiscal and monetary policy of the state (Central Bank) hitherto no major problem in the leasing industry with macroeconomic consequences conditions for establishing and operating a leasing company the same as for other ordinary commercial legal entities (entrepreneurial licence) role of the market respected self-regulation supported elements of indirect regulation
12 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 2.Particularities Level of regulation no “leasing law” civil law no exact definition of financial leasing (innominate contract) role of general contract terms role of jurisprudence public law no exact definition of “financial institution” or “leasing company” consolidated supervision of leasing subsidiaries within banking groups elements of reporting to the Central Bank money laundering fair market competition consumer protection environmental protection etc.
13 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 2.Particularities Rising role of operating leases on equipment leasing ,5 % % ,8 % Diminishing role of property leases ,9 % ,2 % ,2 %
14 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 2. Particularities Rising share of credits in portfolio of leasing companies
15 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 3. Macroeconomic role Contribution to forming and developing market economy start-ups SMES restructuring of economy innovations support of sales employment
16 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 3. Macroeconomic role since sum of assets leased – 1,6 bl. CZK contribution to GDP 20003,8 % 20073,7 % 20101,4 % financing of one fourth of all investments in equipment financing of new cars through leasing (14,6 % in 2010)
17 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 4. Perspective a) Rating of the Czech Republic Moodys A 1 Standard & Poor´s A Fitch – IBCA A +
18 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA b) Economic data crutial for demand GDP ,3 % (3.521 mld. CZK) I/ ,8 % II/ ,2 % III/ ,2 % Investments in equipment ,5 % ,3 % ,2 % (377 mld. CZK) Industrial production 11/ ,4 % Construction 11/ ,3 % Retail sales 11/2011+0,5 %
19 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA Other economic data crutial for demand Unemployment 12/20118,6 % Inflation 12/20112,4 %
20 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA c) Data reflecting quality of outstandings in leasing credits in default 11/ non-financial enterprises8,1 % - households 5,1 % insolvencies entrepreneurial entities (+ 49 %) - households (+ 82 %) d) Economic data crutial for funding Repo rate by Central Bank 0,75 % (since 7th May 2010)
21 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 4. Perspective Major challenges for leasing major changes in direct taxation (2014) new international accounting standard (2013 ?) new Civil Code (2014) Basel III (2012)
22 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Country Focus - Czech Republic Mrs. Jirina TAPSIKOVA, CLFA 4. Perspective a stable sector of financial market a consolidated market no major re-financial problems elaborated level of risk management rising role of sofisticated leasing products rising role of credits in non-banking financial services widening regulation an ordinary European leasing market rising volumes in future months
23 International Forum Leasing in CEE Prague, February 2012 Thank you for attention