What brought you to university? What options did you have if you hadn’t decided to come to university?
Political Economy A term that emphasizes the centrality of material interest in the organization of society and the use of power to protect and enhance that interest.
South Africa Elimination of self-sufficiency
Neo-colonialism The persistence of profound social and economic ties to former colonial rulers in spite of political sovereignty.
World System A capitalist world-economy in which the accumulation of private capital, through exploitation in production and sale for profit in a market, is the driving force.
Core Nations specializing in banking, finance, and highly skilled industrial production.
Periphery The exploited former colonies of the core that supply the core with cheap food, raw materials, and labour power.
Free Trade Zone An export processing zone established in peripheral countries where tariffs are eliminated and bureaucratic requirements are lowered in order to attract companies for doing business there.
The local government Pays part of the initial cost of factory set- up. Loosens environmental protections and rules regarding negligence and bad treatment of workers. Promises not to ask payment of taxes for the next few years.
Maquiladoras A foreign-owned factory in Mexico at which imported parts are assembled by lower-paid workers into products for export.
Dependency Theory A theory arguing that the success of “independent” capitalist nations has required the failure of “dependent” colonies whose economies have been distorted to serve the needs of dominant capitalist outsiders.
Sweatshop A term coined in the 19th century to describe a factory where profit is earned by paying workers minimal wages for working excessive hours under unsanitary and unsafe conditions. The profit was said to be “sweated” form the workers.
1) According to the film Life and Debt, what are the main problems that Jamaican society faces today? Give examples and discuss. 2) Using what you have learned in class, discuss what you consider to be the causes of these problems. 3) What are the parallels between Life and Debt and Cannibal Tours? Discuss in light of the following passage in your textbook: “Transnational corporations … appropriate local cultural forms and turn them into images and commodities to be marketed throughout the world.”