Invertebrate Standards in Rivers Paul Logan
Existing CEN standards relating to the ecological assessment of freshwaters - TG1 - invertebrates Quality element: Invertebrate sampling in Freshwaters EN Methods of biological sampling - Guidance on handnet sampling of aquatic benthic macro-invertebrates EN Methods of biological sampling - Guidance on the design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwaters EN ISO 9391 Sampling in deep waters for macro-invertebrates - Guidance on the use of colonisation, qualitative and quantitative samples Under revision Revison Document N101a Guidance on the selection of sampling methods and devices for benthic macroinvertebrates in freshwaters Describes the selection of sampling devices (design) and methods (operation and performance characteristics) to be used in order to evaluate benthic macro-invertebrate populations in rivers, canals lakes and reservoirs.
Sampling methods - flowing waters Handnet - restricted to 4m Surber sampler Cylinder sampler Box sampler Naturalist’s dredge Berge-Eckman Colonisation sampler Freeze corers Owen Bagpipe Sampler
Cylinder Sampler Design: The sampler consists essentially for an open-ended cylinder, constructed of stainless steel, 0.5mm thick with the lower edge serrated with teeth (each 10mm deep)… Operation: The sampling position should be approached from downstream to avoid undue disturbance of the sampling area. The sampler should be placed on the streambed... Performance characteristics: Sampling Equipment for Flowing Waters - example (N101a)
EN ISO Biological classification of rivers - PART 1: Guidance on the interpretation of biological quality data from surveys of benthic macro- invertebrates in running waters (ISO :2000) Scope: This part of ISO 8689 gives guidance on the interpretation of biological quality data relating to running waters from surveys of benthic macroinvertebrates. It is recognised that for a complete assessment of ecological status, other elements of biological quality should be assessed. Existing CEN standards relating to the ecological assessment of freshwaters - TG1 - invertebrates Quality element: Classification of Rivers using Invertebrates
Establishing a relationship between a Biological Quality Element and a Pressure Gradient BOUNDARY SETTING PROTOCOL - Stage 1 Reference Conditions Typology Biological Dataset Normative Definitions A priori Expert Views of the Normative definitions Biological Metrics Biological Metrics Biological Metrics Biological Metrics Biological Metrics Pressure Dataset Pressure Metrics Spatial Network Historic Records Expert Opinion Models Filename- boundary Sensitive taxa Diversity Blooms etc. Biological metric Pressure Metric High Bad Full range data set Consider absolute pressure metric within a type or reference based between types Consider multimetric approach
Boundary Setting Protocol - Stage 2 - Relationships with discontinuity/threshold Biological metric Pressure Metric Is there a relationship? No - discard Yes Biological metric Pressure Metric High Bad Does natural variation cover most of the range? Reference conditions Biological metric Pressure Metric Is there a distinct threshold/discontinuity in the relationship ? No High Bad Use Ref Con to define High Use threshold to define Good/Moderate boundary Yes No - see stage 3 Is metric likely to be important & can data be improved Yes Further development & implementation later
Boundary Setting Protocol - Stage 3 - Boundaries for a continuum Biological metric 1 Pressure Metric Biological metric Null hypothesis Assume all class sizes are equal A priori Expert Views of Normative definitions Check against High Bad Existing classification sustainable public scrutiny High Bad Amend Examine relationship between related metrics High Bad Use cross over to define class or boundary No discontinuityFrom Stage 2 Biological metric 2 Stage 4 - a)compare classifications for different metrics and quality elements to check for expected relationships b)subject classifications to intercalibration review and public/peer group scrutiny Eg response of reference and impact taxa, may give ecological boundary
EN ISO Biological classification of rivers - PART 2: Guidance on the presentation of biological quality data from survey so benthic macro- invertebrates (ISO :2000) Scope: This part of ISO 8689 gives guidance on the presentation of biological quality data relating to running waters from surveys of benthic macroinvertebrates. The guidance is applicable to the results of surveys using standard methods of sampling and using the classification procedures given in ISO It is recognised that for a complete assessment of ecological status, other elements of biological quality should be assessed. Existing CEN standards relating to the ecological assessment of freshwaters - TG1 - invertebrates Quality element: Classification of Rivers using Invertebrates
Biological Status for the River Aire High Good Moderate Poor Bad
Guidance standard for the routine sampling of zooplankton from standing waters Current status: Formal vote procedure General procedures for surveying zooplankton in standing waters for the purposes of: water quality assessment determination of ecological status (not normative definition) Phytoplankton blooms Sampling procedures and the subsequent steps for preservation and storage are given. The sampling procedures provide a whole-lake estimate for: species occurrence abundance/biomass (relative or absolute) production of zooplankton (including spatial distribution and temporal trends) The sampling procedure may be also employed in slow running waters and canals.
Guidance on the sampling and processing of the pupal exuviae of Chironomidae (Order Diptera) for ecological assessment Current status: Formal vote procedure Specifies equipment and procedures for collecting floating pupal exuviae of Chironomidae from aquatic habitats; rivers (from source to estuary) canals ponds lakes sea coasts Guidance in preparing specimens for subsequent identification is provided. These samples provide representative data on relative species abundance, suitable for: numerical analysis classification and monitoring of environmental conditions
Guidance on pro-rata multihabitat sampling of benthic invertebrates Current status: Working document The recommended procedures focus on the pro-rata Multi-Habitat-Sampling (MHS) of benthic macroinvertebrates in: wadeable rivers and streams The term "pro-rata" reflects the intention to sample adequate proportions of riverine habitats with a minimum occurrence of 5 % of total habitat. The MHS methodology is based on: the Rapid Bioassessment Protocols (Barbour et al. 1999), the procedures of the ENVIRONMENT AGENCY of England and Wales (Murray-Bligh 1999), the Austrian Guidelines for the Assessment of the Saprobiological Water Quality of Rivers and Streams (MOOG et al. 1999), ISO 7828, the AQEM sampling manual (2002), the AQEM & STAR site protocol (2002) and the Austrian Standards M 6232 and M
Guidance on the design of multimetrics Current status: Working document This European Standard establishes methods for developing and applying Multimetric Indices used for assessing: rivers lakes transitional waters wetlands It is suitable for use with data on: fish benthic invertebrates macrophytes phytoplankton and phytobenthos