FINISH VIEWING “THE MARKET” Thanks to Michelle for volunteering last class. Volunteer for this class? Types of questions you can ask: Clarification Content Connection to theories/course material Comments/critical analysis
TRANSITION TO ACTIVITIES Using the desks, we will form 4 groups. Each group will have 4 desks facing each other, with chairs for 5-6 students to sit. (It will look similar to our carousel set-up)
GROUP ACTIVITIES Get into groups of 5 (one group of 6) Groups will complete the following: Activity to check for understanding of theories. Case Study Comparison Connections between trade in HBP and Inequality Positioning yourself on trade in hbp (time permitting)
CREATE A VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF THE THEORIES In your groups, review the three theories previously mentioned in class: Dependency Theory World Systems Theory (also see p. 19 of course handouts) The New International Division of Labour Theory (NIDL) Use a combination of words and images to represent what each theory says. Remember that your visual aims to teach the class, not just to be an artistic representation. One person from the group will report back.
PLEASE FILL OUT YOUR CASE STUDIES COMPARISON (10 MINS) ShipbreakingTrade in HBP How does this industry make money? How do the people developed countries benefit from this industry? How do the people in developing countries benefit from this industry? At whose expense does this industry operate? What are the specific causes of people’s suffering?
CONNECTIONS BETWEEN TRADE IN HBP AND INEQUALITY (10 MINS) For each concept, explain how it relates to the illegal cross-border trade in human body parts: Each member will explore 1 concept for a couple of minutes. Then, there will be a go-around where you will have a chance to explain your findings to the group. Free market forces Relationship between developed and developing countries Unequal distribution of the benefits of globalization Commodity (object for sale)
POSITION YOURSELF ON THE ISSUE On a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 = “I completely disagree with trade in human body parts. It should remain illegal and tightly regulated.” 10 = “I completely agree with trade in hbp. There should be no restrictions, the market should be completely free.” Pick a number that represents your position, and write it down. Share your number with your group members. Get together with a group member who picked a number different from yours and try to convince him/her of your position. (If no one in your group has a different number you may have to pair up with someone from a different group.)
HOMEWORK: CONNECTING TO CASE STUDIES Please access Ms. Gluskin’s blog where she has posted the handout “Globalization Theories – Connecting to Case Studies” Remember the theories you examined in class: Dependency Theory World-System Theory The New International Division of Labour Theory Fill out the bottom portion of the table for “The Market” There will be a homework check on Tuesday.