Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries and Forging Collaborations
Ways boundaries crossed High-school & college/univ Middle school & college/univ Across disciplines in ones institution With other academic institution Industry & college/univ
Obstacles encountered Not understanding the value in what we do Value of scholarship of teaching within and across institutions Scholarship of teaching is not seen as contributing to research, student outcomes, employers’ needs, etc. Misconception: is CS a STEM discipline? IRB approvals What we do is time consuming; it is like building infrastructure
Challenges when working with faculty and students Teachers are often enthusiastic and open to new ideas; the challenge is having impact beyond the one teacher Faculty we try to engage can lose interest, common reasons: don’t have enough time, work will not be valued for tenure and promotion Industry collaborators often assume their rules; getting done what they need in time given
Strategies to overcome obstacles Personal relationships Bottom up versus top down which one will be more effective? Need buy-in at many levels; use multiple approaches Across institutions – understand and harmonize differences in institutional profiles, IRB priorities With industry & community partners Specify projects and articulations in ways that create value for both parties
Ways CPATH community can help HS teachers benefit from knowing what goes on in colleges/univ; HS teachers impact students, AP and dual credit are important – continue to build this relationship Help us promote what we do