BND National Diploma I.T. Practitioners Software Development William Edwards
BND Software Development The BTEC Nationals are designed to equip individuals with -the knowledge, -understanding and -practical skills required for current and future employment in the computing industries, and/or for progression to a Higher National or Degree programme. This is a two year full-time course.
BND Software Development Each year is split into two “semesters”, and each semester includes four subjects. Units will consist of typically two assignments with periodic Phase Tests.
BND Software Development Year 1 Sept JanJan Jun Communication and Employability Skills in IT Systems Analysis and DesignComputer Systems Communication TechnologiesProcedural Programming Software DevelopmentEvent Driven Programming Database DesignInformation Systems
Communication and Employability Skills in IT Written, vocal, research and presentation skills. The importance of good communication skills are vital to the success of any project. Information SystemsHow information is used within organisations. The structure of organizations and how information flows within them. Systems Analysis and Design Investigation, analysis and design of computer systems. The importance of documentation using a standard, structured design methodology. Computer SystemsIn depth study of computer hardware and peripherals. How computer systems are constructed and how they work.
Communication Technologies The way computers are connected (networked) & the importance of the internet and the worldwide web. Procedural Programming Develop the skills and understanding required to design and develop procedural programming applications Software Development Understand the principles of software design and be able to use tools to develop software designs Event Driven ProgrammingDevelop the skills and understanding required to design and develop event driven applications (Windows) Database DesignThe features of relational databases. Develop the skills to design, create and test a relational database incorporating advanced features.
Functional Skills These are transferable skills, which play an essential role in developing personal effectiveness for adult and working life. Students will continue to develop these key skills at the appropriate level. Elements of these key skills will be integrated into assignments set for each course unit.
Year 2 Sept JanJan Jun IT Project Object Orientated ProgrammingDeveloping Computer Games Website Production and Management Client Side Customisation of Web Pages Web page ScriptingWeb page ScriptingDigital GraphicsDigital Graphics Computer AnimationComputer AnimationSpreadsheet ModellingSpreadsheet Modelling BND Software Development
Progression Students who have completed the course go on to: University Birmingham, Aston, De Monfort (Leicester), Derby, Sheffield, Stafford,….. Etc. Work Trainee programmer, Web design…… BND Software Development