Fiscal Year 2009 Annual Plan: Ecosystem Restoration and Hurricane Protection in Coastal Louisiana
Act 8 of the Louisiana Legislature First Extraordinary Session of 2005 “…hurricane protection is vital to survival” “…Coastal land loss in Louisiana continues in catastrophic proportions” “Hurricane protection and coastal restoration must be integrated to achieve a long-term solution of coastal protection.”
Act 8 of the Louisiana Legislature First Extraordinary Session of 2005 “The state must have a single agency with authority to articulate a clear statement of priorities and to focus development and implementation of efforts to achieve comprehensive coastal protection.”
CIAP CWPPRA Existing Hurricane Storm Damage Reduction LACPR LCA State Master Plan
What Does the Annual Plan Do?
Projects in the Annual Plan are integral to the accomplishment of the Comprehensive State Master Plan.
Provides Accountability Annual Plan shows what we are doing and how we are spending money Provides the framework for determining accountability based on program performance Focuses expenditures on highest priorities and opportunities
Identifies Funding Needs for Fiscal Year Annual Plan describes how the State and our federal partners intend to protect and restore Louisiana’s coast in FY Annual Plan outlines ongoing and future projects and their funding requirements for FY Annual Plan makes recommendations on how dollars from the Coastal Protection & Restoration Fund, Capital Outlay funds, CIAP and other sources should be applied to achieve these goals Annual Plan identifies needs that are not currently funded.
Criteria for Project Selection Selected projects must be consistent with the Urgent Early Actions of the Master Plan A balance of hurricane protection and ecosystem restoration projects must be selected, in keeping with stated desire to maintain balance in the implementation of the Master Plan Projects will be selected from each of the three “major basins” Emergency project repairs or projects that address emergency needs related to continuing coastal ecosystem degradation may be included A portion of the funds should be used to build scientific and technical capacity within the State in order to accelerate planning, engineering, and design of Master Plan projects
1. Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority Mandate 2. The State Master Plan 3. Water Resources Development Act of Summary of Ongoing Programs 5. Fiscal Year 2009 Activities from Anticipated Funding Sources 6. Fiscal Year 2009 Activities Requiring Additional Funding Assistance (Unmet Needs) 7. Strategies to Meet Coastal Needs What are the Major Categories in the Annual Plan
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 at 3:00pm Central School 809 Kirby Street Lake Charles, LA Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 3:00pm Lindy Boggs Conference Center CERM Building 2045 Lakeshore Drive, Room 256 New Orleans, LA Wednesday, January 23, 2008 at 3:00pm Vermilion Parish Library Abbeville Branch 405 E. Saint Victor Street Abbeville, LA Wednesday, January 30, 2008 at 3:00pm Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government Government Tower Building Council Meeting Room, 2nd Floor 8026 Main Street Houma, LA 70360
What We Heard From Public Show each projects specific funding. Prioritize projects on the unfunded list. Include ongoing projects with schedules and budgets that reflect backwards and forwards at least two years. Tag projects by the planning units associated with the master plan. Lack of projects in the Southwest area. Fund Infrastructure projects such as La 1 Provide mechanisms for adding additional projects to the unfunded list.
Annual Plan changes In response to comments from the public and direction from the new administration, we have made the following modifications to the Annual Plan and the public review process: We increased the funding requested through the Capital Outlay process for hurricane protection activities identified in Table 5.3 from $15 million to $70 million. Each project’s specific funding is now shown for clarification. We have included an appendix which shows all ongoing projects with budgets. We have included an appendix listing with the Master Plan’s early urgent actions.
Annual Plan changes We included an appendix which shows estimated funding needs for the next two fiscal years (FY 2010 and FY 2011). WRDA 2007 had some deadlines to meet, so we have included those projects in that part of this document which addresses items to be funded. All projects have been identified according to the planning units delineated in the Master Plan.
Annual Plan changes The Southwest Coastal Louisiana Project feasibility study was fully funded for FY An explanation of Executive Order No. BJ was added. The format of the Annual Plan was revised to make it clearer. We extended the comment deadline by 10 days to provide additional opportunity for public input.
Sources of State Funding Traditional Sources –Coastal Protection & Restoration Fund –Capital Outlay Fund Non-Traditional Source –State Surplus Funds
Annual Plan Overview (in millions)
FY09 Annual Plan Summary of Proposed Funding Hurricane Protection - $81,000,000 Coastal Restoration - $143,537,000
Southwest Coastal Louisiana Project $2,000,000 Federally Authorized Hurricane Protection Projects $70,000,000 Lake Pontchartrain West Bank Morganza to Gulf Larose to Golden Meadow Cameron-Creole Repairs$8,000,000 Acadiana Gulf of Mexico Access Channel Vermilion Parish Hurricane Prot. $500,000 TOTAL Hurricane Protection$80,500,000 Hurricane Protection
CWPPRA Phase I Bayou Dupont Marsh and Ridge Creation Project $302,000 Bohemia Mississippi River Reintroduction Project$204,000 Caernarvon Outfall Management Lake Lery Shoreline Protection Project$400,000 West Pointe a la Hache Marsh Creation Project$243,000 Bioengineered Oyster Reef – DEMO$297,000 Sediment Cont. for Marsh Creation – DEMO$175,000 CIAP (Planning, Engineering & Design) Violet Diversion $1,000,000 Mississippi River Sediment Diversion Pipeline$1,000,000 Orleans Landbridge Shoreline Protection and Marsh Creation$260,000 Blind River Siphon$1,000,000 Central Wetlands$1,000,000 Performance Evaluation$710,000 Coastal Forests Conservation Initiative$750,000 Freshwater Bayou Bank Stabilization$760,000 Lake Salvador Shoreline – Phase 3$2,430,000 Lower Mississippi River Delta$1,667,000 Coastal Restoration
Louisiana Coastal Area (Near Term Projects)$5,000,000 MRGO Environmental Restoration Small Diversion at Hope Canal Barataria BBS (Basin Barrier Shoreline) Myrtle Grove (Medium Diversion) Small Bayou Lafourche Reintroduction Louisiana Coastal Area (Projects in WRDA)$5,000,000 Louisiana Coastal Area (Science Program)$10,000,000 CWPPRA Phase II Raccoon Island Shoreline Protection$1,400,000 Whiskey Island Back Barrier Marsh Creation$3,770,000 South Lake DeCade Freshwater Introduction$680,000 South Shore of the Pen Shoreline Protection$1,800,000 and Marsh Creation Mississippi River Sediment Delivery System$3,900,000 BayouDupont Coastal Restoration
CPPPRA Phase II Raccoon Island Shoreline Protection$1,400,000 Whiskey Island Back Barrier Marsh Creation$3,770,000 South Lake DeCade Freshwater Introduction$680,000 South Shore of the Pen Shoreline Protection $1,800,000 and Marsh Creation Mississippi River Sediment Delivery System - Bayou Dupont$3,900,000 CIAP (Construction)East Grand Terre Island Restoration$14,650,000 Grand Lake Shoreline Protection$4,659,000 GIWW Critical Areas$2,000,000 Bayou Lamoque$635,000 OCS Access - LA 1 (Infrastructure)$8,750,000 Beneficial Use$3,500,000 Barataria Landbridge Dedicated Dredging$11,920,000 St. Mary, Cameron, and Iberia Parishes (Infrastructure)$1,040,000 Orleans Landbridge$4,404,000 Freshwater Bayou Bank Stabilization$30,000 Rockefeller Refuge Shoreline Protection Demonstration Project$5,127,000 CWPPRA OPERATION, MAINTENANCE and MONITORING CWPPRA Projects with O&M Budget$787,000 CWPPRA Projects without O&M Budget$15,000 CWPPRA Coastwide Nutria Control Program$492,000 Monitoring of CWPPRA Coastal Restoration
OTHER PRIORITIES Caernarvon Freshwater Diversion$747,000 Davis Pond Freshwater Diversion$1,217,000 Maintenance for State Only Projects$300,000 Structure Operations for State Only Projects$210,000 GIS Lab Support$250,000 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material (Federal Projects)$1,000,000 Mississippi River Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche$3,700,000 Assistance to Levee Authorities$1,000,000 Levee School$100,000 Protection and Restoration Program Support Activities$1,700,000 Donations for Mitigation Activities$933,000 Restoration Partnerships$2,000,000 Support for Louisiana’s Coastal Wetlands Conservation Plan $938,000 Christmas Tree Projects$350,000America's Wetland Conservation Corps$500,000 Barrier Island Maintenance$3,500,000 CIAP Program Management$1,000,000 Reserve Fund Contingencies$2,500,000 Louisiana Applied Coastal Engineering & Science Program (LACES)$1,500,000 PROGRAMMATIC GOCA$2,910,000 DNR Secretary$1,900,000 DNR Coastal Restoration$12,300,000 DOTD Public Works ** $400,000 TOTAL COASTAL RESTORATION$143,537,000 Coastal Restoration
Projects Requiring Additional State Funding To Be Identified Before Being Pursued
West Shore-Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana $2,000,000 Donaldsonville, LA to the Gulf of Mexico $1,900,000 Hurricane Protection Project Lake Pontchartrain, LA & Vicinity Hurricane Protection Project$520,000,000 West Bank Hurricane Protection Project$208,000,000 Morganza, LA to the Gulf of Mexico Hurricane Protection Project$48,000,000 Hurricane Flood Protection, Construction, $10,000,000 and Development Priority Program Larose to Golden Meadow Hurricane Protection$29,000,000 Acadiana Gulf of Mexico Access Channel$3,000,000 Vermilion Parish Hurricane Protection TOTAL Hurricane Protection * $821,900,000 * Does not include requested funding for SELA match Hurricane Protection (Unmet Needs)
Biloxi Marsh Restoration$28,000,000 Cameron Parish Gulf Shoreline Protection$50,000,000 Pipeline Conveyance of Sediment - Plaquemines Parish$50,000,000 Mississippi River Reintroduction into Bayou Lafourche$8,300,000 Caminada Headland Restoration – LCA$138,500,000 Shell Island Restoration - LCA $92,600,000 Beneficial Use of Dredged Material – LCA$30,000,000 Hope Canal – LCA$6,000,000 Myrtle Grove – LCA$20,000,000 Louisiana Applied Coastal Engineering and Science Program (LACES)$1,500,000 Restoration Partnerships$3,000,000 GPS Network$150,000 MMS Sand Inventory$70,000 WAVCIS$100,000 Implementation of Non-Structural Recommendations$500,000 TOTAL Coastal Restoration$410,470,000 Coastal Restoration (Unmet Needs)
CPRA FY 09 Unmet Needs GRAND TOTAL $1,232,370,000
Next Steps Address annual plan format comments Rework distribution using most current budget estimate Address public comment and input to extent possible Submit in late-March to CPRA for approval to submit to House and Senate Natural Resource Committees at beginning of Regular Session