Review on the Partnership Between The World Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) April 4, 2002 Koji Yamada, Trust Fund Strategy and Donor.


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Presentation transcript:

Review on the Partnership Between The World Bank and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) April 4, 2002 Koji Yamada, Trust Fund Strategy and Donor Relations Unit (TFS), The World Bank

Background The Bank and JICA have had annual consultations for the last 12 years. Reduction of Japanese bilateral ODA budget. Need for more effective aid. Bank ’ s shift toward poverty reduction and capacity building Need for redefinition and strengthening of the Bank-JICA partnership

Objectives of the Presentation 1.To Review the past Bank-JICA collaboration and collect lessons learned 2.To share the knowledge on the mode of the partnership among the Bank staff and between the Bank and JICA 3.To promote a common understanding on the future direction of the partnership 4.To promote the development of a short- term action plan and define the role of each actor

Comparative Advantage: Institution Building vs. Individual Capacity Building World Bank Financial resources mobilization Consultations with various development partners in the client country Policy advice; Impact on the whole sector and whole economy Dialogue with policy makers and opinion leaders Global networks of human resources JICA Entry point for Japanese financial resources through the bilateral ODA channel Posting Japanese human resources in the line ministries or institutions in the client country Capacity building targeting middle-level technicians and field workers of the client government Broad domestic network inside Japan

Case 1: Project Design for Cofinancing Infrastructure Development More than 40 Bank lending projects were all or partly designed by JICA studies in 1990s. Examples Basic & Primary Education (Nepal) Jamna Multipurpose Bridge (Bangladesh) Primary School Construction in Northern Mountain Area (Vietnam) JICA Studies (Feasibility Study) (Basic Design Study) Japanese Bilateral Grant/Loan Bank Lending Parallel Cofinancing

Case 2: Knowledge Sharing JICA co-hosted two regional workshops with WBI in FY00; Community Health (Ghana), Integrated Watershed Management (Philippines). CDS Tokyo Conference (FY00) GDN Tokyo Conference (FY01) “ Learning Across Borders ” Workshop Series for Japanese and Asian/Pacific NGOs (FY01) Contents development for GDLN and J-Net (FY02) “Symposium on Aid Effectiveness and Knowledge Intensive Assistance” (Nov. 2002)

Case 3: Cofinancing for Joint Activities Trust Fund: GDLN Center in Jordan (FY01) Financial Contribution: Peru Country Innovation Day (FY01) Joint Workshops in Ghana and the Philippines (FY00) Joint Activities Bank JICA Procurement, Events Seminars/Workshops

Case 4: Financing for Complementary Projects/Programs “ Unconscious ” Parallel Cofinancing: Equipment for Archaeological Activities in Honduras (FY00) Financing for Un-awarded Proposals for Development Marketplace (FY02) Dispatch of Volunteers to CGIAR Research Centers Bank Program JICA Program Or Bilateral Grant

Lessons Learned Need for both sides to understand more on the project cycle, schedule and business style of each other Need for Japanese bilateral partners to understand more on the Japanese Trust Funds channeled through the Bank mechanism Easy identification of the focal points on both sides Quick response to the queries from each other Effective actions of JICA USA Office as intermediary

Future Direction 1: Program Design and Future Collaboration Examples Transport, Primary Education (Vietnam), Rural Electrification (Malawi) “ Sector Program Grant ” for Common Basket (Africa) Health & Population Sector Program (Bangladesh) Regional Development for the Phnom Penh – Sihanoukville Growth Corridor (Cambodia) Participation in CDF/PRSP Process Coordination on the designing of sector program and regional development plan Policy Dialogues Cofinancing (Bilateral Grant/Loan/TC+Bank Lending)

Future Direction 2: Joint Preparation for the Bank Projects Examples South-South Cooperation programs Policy Advisor Trainers ’ training, study tours Technical Experts, Volunteers Training outside the client country Bank PHRD TA JICA Technical Cooperation Bank Lending Projects Cofinancing Opportunities

Future Direction 3: Strengthening Bank’s CDD Approach JICA can provide… Advice on designing of the activities at field level. Advice on the capacity enhancement on designing and construction process and quality management for community infrastructures Bank Social Fund JICA Experts JOCVs Local NGOs Local Consultants Community Development Activities

Future Direction 4: Increasing Options for JICA Experts Understanding the Bank’s grant programs enables more flexible project identification and preparation by JICA Experts and Country Offices. In-country networks of JICA Country Offices help the Bank to utilize the contributions from the GOJ. JICA Experts / Country Offices JICA Programs PHRD, JSDF, PRSP TF, GEF, Cities Alliance, etc.

Future Direction 5: Addressing the Common Issues in Japan Capacity Building of Japanese NGOs: “ Learning Across Borders 2 ” (under preparation) Awareness on ICT among the development partners in Japan: Conference on ICT and Gender in Rural Development (under preparation) Capacity Building of the Japanese Consultants in the Social Sector Partnership with the Private Sector in Japan Development Partners in Japan NGOsConsultants Research Institutes Private Sector Bank JICA

Proposed Actions for FY02/03 1.More intensive dialogues in the country level 2.Information dissemination on the Bank ’ s lending and non- lending programs to JICA 3.Information dissemination on the JICA programs to the Bank 4.Help desk for the application to the Bank ’ s grant program (JICA USA) 5.Linking the existing JICA programs to the Bank ’ s CDD approach 6.Development of proposals for the Japan-Bank Partnership Program 7.WBI-JICA detailed discussion is underway.