NERVOUS 101 Kayla King Lauren Mills
Importance Sends messages throughout the body. –5 senses
Components Central –Brain –Spinal cord Peripheral –Somatic –Autonomic Parasympathetic Sympathetic
Anatomy physiology Brain is divided into diff. Sections – cerebral hemispheres Frontal Temporal Parietal occipital –Diencephalon – Midbrain – Pons – Medulla Oblongata –Cerebellum fr
CENTRAL Consist –Spinal cord –Brain –White matter axons –Grey matter cell bodies Branched dendrites
Central nervous system
Peripheral NS Consists –Sensory nerves Sends info to spinal cord and brain –Motor nerves Carries messages from sc and b to other body parts Subdivided –Sensory-somatic NS –Autonomic NS
Sensory-Somatic NS Consists of –Sensory division (afferent division) Receives signals from nerves and tissues Sends to cranial and spinal nerves –Motor division (efferent div.) Contains pathways from spinal cord and brain stem to lower neurons in spinal and cranial nerves
Sensory-Somatic Nerves 12 pairs of cranial nerves 31 pairs of spinal nerves
Ans Consists of –sensory neurons and motor neurons that are in the CNS and organs –Two subdivisions sympathetic nervous system parasympathetic nervous system Involuntary actions Uses two groups of motor neurons –preganglionic neurons –postganglionic neurons
Sympathetic Involuntary For Stress ence/humanbody/body/in dex_interactivebody.shtm l
Parasympathetic Involuntary For Rest y/body/index_interactivebody.shtml
Diseases/disorders Alzheimer disease Huntington disease Multiple sclerosis Parkinson disease Wallenberg syndrome Wilson disease
Effects of drugs/alcohol
Works cited media/visualization/visualization- animations.htmhttp:// media/visualization/visualization- animations.htm #brain #brain ne/nerve.html