American Foreign Trade: ECONOMIC: Commercial/Business Interests
2. MILITARY/POLITICAL Alfred T. Mahan The Influence of Sea Power on History (THINK: Why does a big navy lead to more power for a nation?)
3. SOCIAL: “ Social Darwinist” Thinking The White Man’s Burden The Hierarchy of Race
SOCIAL: Religious/Missionary Interests SOCIAL: Religious/Missionary Interests American Missionaries in China, 1905
3. SOCIAL: Fredrick Jackson Turner…” closing of the Frontier”
U. S. Missionaries in Hawaii in early 1800’s First church built in the late 1820s Also, millions of American $ invested in sugar/pineapple plantations
Hawaiian Queen Liliuokalani “ Hawaii for the Hawaiians!” THINK: What are her views of the United States? “ Hawaii for the Hawaiians!” THINK: What are her views of the United States?
U. S. View of Hawaiians Hawaii becomes a U.S. “protectorate” in 1849, by 1887, U.S. re-wrote their constitution, giving only white, land owning men the right to vote
U. S. Business Interests In Hawaii American businessmen backed an uprising against Queen Liliuokalani – American businessmen backed an uprising against Queen Liliuokalani. Sanford Ballard Dole proclaims the land the “Republic of Hawaii” in Hawaii remains a U.S. territory until 1959, when it is made the 50 th state.
“To The Victor Belongs the Spoils” Hawaiian Annexation Ceremony, 1898
Commodore Matthew Perry Opens Up Japan for trade with the United States: 1853 The Japanese View of Commodore Perry
Gentleman’s Agreement: 1908 A Japanese note agreeing to deny passports to laborers entering the U.S. Japan recognized the U.S. right to exclude Japanese immigrants holding passports issued by other countries. The U.S. government got the school board of San Francisco to rescind their order to segregate Asians in separate schools.
“Seward’s Folly”: 1867 Purchase of Alaska for $7.2 million…a “mistake”?
“Seward’s Icebox”: 1867
The Imperialist Tailor THINK: What is this political cartoon trying to say about American involvement in Cuba?
Spanish Misrule in Cuba
Spain’s “Reconcentration” Policy against Cubans
“Yellow Journalism” & Jingoism Joseph Pulitzer William Randolph Hearst Hearst to his camera man in Cuba: You furnish the pictures, and I’ll furnish the war!
De Lôme Letter Dupuy de Lôme, Spanish Ambassador to the U.S. Criticized President McKinley as “ Criticized President McKinley as “ weak and catering to the rabble and, besides, a low politician who desires to leave a door open to himself and to stand well with the jingos of his party.”
“Rough Riders” Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the McKinley administration was Theo Roosevelt, imperialist and American nationalist. Criticized President McKinley as “having the backbone of a chocolate éclair!” Resigns his position to fight in Cuba.
The “Rough Riders”
Remember the Maine and to Hell with Spain! Funeral for Maine victims in Havana
The Spanish-American War (1898): “That Splendid Little War” THINK: Why was this war so “splendid”?
The Treaty of Paris: 1898 Cuba was freed from Spanish rule. Spain gave up Puerto Rico and the island of Guam. The U. S. paid Spain $20 mil. for the Philippines. The U. S. becomes an imperial power!
“Spheres of Influence” REMEMBER?: Oriental [Chinese] Exclusion Act, 1887
The Boxer Rebellion: 1900 Rebellion against Christian missionaries, and people that supported imperialist (300 killed), U.S. put down rebellion
Philippines rebel against their new “rulers”…the U.S.!
Emilio Aguinaldo L eader of the Filipino Uprising (against Spain and then the U.S.) July 4, 1946: Full Philippine independence from the U.S.)
Philippine War Nearly 1 million dead Dissolved the Catholic Church in the Philippines Catholic Church in the PhilippinesCatholic Church in the Philippines Introduction of the English language as the primary language English languageEnglish language Filipinos were given very limited self-government
The American Anti-Imperialist League Founded in Mark Twain, Andrew Carnegie, William James, and William Jennings Bryan among the leaders. Campaigned against the annexation of the Philippines and other acts of imperialism.
Panama: The King’s Crown 1904 Theodore Roosevelt buys Panama Canal (being built by French) for $10 million and $250,000 a year to be paid annually for its use – President Jimmy Carter finally returns the canal to the Panamanian people
Panama Canal Roosevelt in Panama (Construction begins in 1904)
Remember? Monroe Doctrine
Roosevelt Corollary (addition) to the Monroe Doctrine While the Monroe Doctrine said European countries should stay out of Latin America, the Roosevelt Corollary took this idea further to say he had the right to exercise military force in Latin American countries in order to keep European countries out!
Theodore Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Diplomacy “Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick!” a Big Stick!” Theodore Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Diplomacy “Speak Softly, But Carry a Big Stick!” a Big Stick!”
William Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” THINK: Why would investing in foreign countries create good relations between nations? William Taft’s “Dollar Diplomacy” THINK: Why would investing in foreign countries create good relations between nations?
Dollar Diplomacy wasn’t always peaceful: U.S. military interventions in Latin America: s
Woordrow Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy” The U. S. should be the conscience of the world. Spread democracy. Promote peace. Condemn colonialism by supporting only “moral” nations.
Teller Amendment Passed by Congress in 1898, it promised the Cuban people if the United States helped in the revolution against the Spanish Empire, it would not annex (take control) Cuba but only leave "control of the island to its people."
Platt Amendment Introduced to Congress in 1901 to amend the Teller Amendment:. It restricted Cuba in the conduct of foreign policy and commercial trade. Cuba couldn’t make treaties with other nations. It demanded that Cuba sell or lease lands to the United States necessary for coaling or the development of naval stations. (at Guantanamo Bay) Gave the U.S. the right to intervene in future wars in Cuba.
The Open Door Policy Secretary John Hay. Give all nations equal access to trade in China. Guaranteed that China would NOT be taken over by any one foreign power.
“Spheres of Influence” This directly relates to China. It prevents one foreign country from having all the power in China.
The Cares of a Growing Imperial Family…wowee! Racist much?