Development Marketplace Turning Ideas Into Action Sam Wedderburn Prepared by DM Team June 26, 2008
Development Marketplace (DM) 1.Identify and support INNOVATIVE, early stage ideas with potential for high development impact 2.Help build the capacity of implementing organizations to execute and scale up their ideas 3.Serve as a convening platform for funders and other development actors on social entrepreneurship Program objectives
DM Activities 1. Competitions Global (annual) Regional and Country-level (~6 per year) 2. Knowledge Dissemination Knowledge Exchange at the Marketplace events DM Website DM Blog (forthcoming) 3. Project Services Project supervision Identification of follow-on funders and TA providers for selected projects
DM Global Competitions Increasingly Sector-Focused 2003 – Services for the Poor 2005 – Sustainable Livelihoods 2006 – Water Supply, Sanitation and Energy 2007 – Health, Nutrition and Population 2008 – Sustainable Agriculture for Development
Global DM2008: Sustainable Agriculture for Development Objectives: Mobilize award pool of up to US$6 million to fund innovative sustainable agriculture projects in three key areas: Linking Small-Scale Farmers to Input-Output Markets Improving Land Access and Tenure for the Poor Promoting the Environmental Services of Agriculture in Addressing Climate Change and Biodiversity Conservation Date: September 24-25, 2008 Location: World Bank Headquarters, Washington, D.C. Key Parters: GEF, IFC and Gates Foundation
Key Features of Global DM2008 Competition’s Finalists Finalists by Organization Type Finalists by Implementation Region Award size: $50,000-$200,000 Maximum timeframe: 24 Months
DM-GEF Partnership Breakdown of GEF contribution to DM $1 M for 2003 Global Competition, disbursed to 6 projects in Ghana, Vietnam, Mexico, Nepal and India $1 M for 2005 Global Competition, disbursed to 8 projects in the Philippines, Azerbaijan, Costa Rica, Kenya and India $2 M for 2006 Global Competition, disbursed to 13 projects in India, Kenya, China, Rwanda, Kyrgyz Republic, Benin, Senegal, Turkey, Lesotho and Nepal. $2M committed for 2008 Global Competition, winners will be announced on September, 26, 2008.
DM Projects Funded by GEF ( ) Regional BreakdownGrants to Africa ($ commitment by year) Grants to Africa ($ commitment by country)
Independent Evaluation of DM2003 Projects Conducted in 2007 to assess impact 41 projects out of 47 were evaluated and categorized into three categories Project RatingDM 2003 PortfolioSubset of GEF Funded Projects Highly Satisfactory14 (30%)2 (33%) Satisfactory17 (36%)2 (33%) Marginally satisfactory or worse 10 (21%)1 (17%) Could not be contacted for eval. 6 (13%)1 (17%)
DM Ratings at Project Completion for 2005 Projects (independent evaluation pending) Project RatingDM 2005 PortfolioSubset of GEF Funded Projects Highly Satisfactory 8 (27%)1 (13%) Satisfactory15 (50%)5 (63%) Marginally unsatisfactory 5 (17%)0 (0%) Unsatisfactory 2 (7%)2 (25%)
DM Ratings at 3 months prior to Project Completion for 2006 Projects (independent evaluation pending) Project RatingDM 2006 PortfolioSubset of GEF Funded Projects Highly Satisfactory 7 (23%)4 (31%) Satisfactory17 (57%)8 (62%) Marginally unsatisfactory 6 (20%)1 (8%) Unsatisfactory 0 (0%)
GEF Funded DM2005 Project Credit for Safe Collection of Used Oil, Kenya US$150,000 Project idea To clean the Mukuru-Ngong River in Nairobi, offering a credit system to encourage mechanics to collect used engine oil instead of dumping it into the river. Development Potential Safely disposes of used oil while providing previously unattainable access to credit for business expansion. Used lubricating oil a significant contaminant to the Mukuru-Ngong river, resulting in negative health and environmental conditions Progress to date 247,000 liters of used oil which would have otherwise been dumped into the river was collected and recycled into the economy. Project aims to recycle 1,200,000 liters of used oil each year by Over $31,000 lent to at least 56 mechanics groups or garages, in loans ranging from $120 to $500.
GEF Funded DM2005 project Community Carbon Collectors: Briquetting in Kenya US$132,773 Project idea Reduce waste and energy costs by buying discarded charcoal dust collected by Nairobi’s slum dwellers and transform it into low-cost, clean- burning briquettes Development Potential Provides a reliable income stream Offers a fuel alternative that is 40 percent cheaper than charcoal Reduces pollution from charcoal waste in the air and water Progress to date 11 tons of dust collected daily, 6 tons from Kibera -the biggest slum in Kenya- and 5 tons from other sites in Nairobi 9 tons per day of charcoal briquettes produced and sold profitably to restaurants, poultry farmers, and supermarkets, among others
GEF Funded DM 2006 project Clean & Reliable LED Lighting for Tribal Homes, India US$177,250 Project idea To provide clean and reliable lighting to 10,000 tribal households using LED light units and a community-based maintenance plan. $15 lamp paid for over 50 cent bi- weekly installments. Development Potential Replaces kerosene lamps, which provide limited light, cause indoor pollution and incur a heavier economic burden Progress to date 2,500 LED lights sold in India 100 village entrepreneurs trained in selling and maintaining lamps Now collaborating with similar initiatives in Afghanistan, Cambodia and Kenya. Leveraged a total of $ 1.4 Million from a private investment company.
GEF Funded DM2006 project Cane Reed: 19th Century Idea, 21st Century Solution, Kyrgyz Republic US$116,389 Project idea To improve the living conditions of families in Bishkek through the provision of affordable and environmentally clean home heating systems. Combines a traditional construction method using cane reed and clay with a innovative under floor heating system. Development Potential 40 percent reduction in the cost of home construction and maintenance 75 percent reduction in heating costs, causing reduced environmental degradation. Progress to date Built a total of 20 cane reed houses Project being scaled up in the Kyrgyz Republic, with 5 additional houses under construction. Project is currently negotiating an agreement with the German Development Bank – KFW to increase the number of homes through credits to low income families.
Thank you! For more information: contact Theresa Bradley, Team Leader, visit and for inspiration, take a look at our video posted on our home webpage