Why a Discernment Process? Not all churches who feel disenfranchised in the PC(USA) will feel called to leave Discernment involves each congregation seeking God’s call for them Prayer - Community - Conversation
Discernment: Why Now? Changing landscape in PCUSA Trend of churches asking for dismissal from PCUSA Presbyterian Outlook survey: Projected loss of 800 PCUSA churches Things will change, even if we choose to do nothing – we need to be informed
Trends in the PCUSA Increasing conflict/division, rather than increasing unity Conflict growing since the inception of the PCUSA in 1983 Factions at cross purposes within the PCUSA result in increasing divisions and political arguing
Trends in the PCUSA (cont) Energy spent on conflicts detracts from ability to engage in common missions Government structure increasingly cumbersome: G.A. decisions about middle governing bodies
What Makes a Presbyterian? 1.Lordship of Jesus 2.Authority of Scripture
Worship, Membership & Leadership
Political Activism
Past Actions by Session Joined Confessing Church Movement, 2001 – Jesus Christ alone is Lord of all and the way of salvation – Holy Scripture is triune God’s revealed Word, the Church’s only infallible rule of faith and life – God’s people are called to holiness in all aspects of life. This includes honoring the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, the only relationship within which sexual activity is appropriate
Past Actions by Session Affirmed Amendment B in Book of Order, 2011 “those who are called to office in the church are to lead a life in obedience to Scripture…among which are the requirements to life in fidelity within the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman, or chastity in singleness.”
How Does This Affect Us? Conflicts at national and Presbytery levels affect how people perceive our local congregation Our pastors and leaders must spend considerable time dealing with conflicts and bureaucracy Voting power at Presbytery will change significantly as churches leave
SPC Core Values Inspiring all generations to make Jesus Christ central in every part of our lives. † Relationship with Jesus † Community centered in Christ † Compassion in response to Christ 2011 Fact Finding Develop fact base from which to discuss the challenges facing our denomination and potential courses of action. February – June Dialog Through meetings with members, leadership, staff and Presbytery, listen to diverse voices and together seek the Lord’s will for SPC. June - December Discernment Ever mindful of our Core Values, using the fact base, input from the congregation, and the outcome of Presbytery and General Assembly meetings, report the Discernment Team findings to Session. This may or may not include a recommended course of action. August- December Decisions Session uses the report and recommendation (if any) from the Discernment Team to seek the path the Lord would have SPC move forward on. At this point, the congregation will be reengaged about the findings of the discernment process and any recommendation coming out of the process SPC Discernment Timeline June 2 Presbytery approved updated Gracious Dismissal policy June 2 Presbytery approved updated Gracious Dismissal policy June 30 – July 7 General Assembly considers several proposals that bear on the issues June 30 – July 7 General Assembly considers several proposals that bear on the issues January 2012 Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians (ECO) launched in Orlando January 2012 Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians (ECO) launched in Orlando July 8 & 10 6:30-8:00pm SPC Town Hall meeting (identical content) July 8 & 10 6:30-8:00pm SPC Town Hall meeting (identical content) August 5 & 7 6:30-8:00pm SPC Town Hall meeting (identical content) August 5 & 7 6:30-8:00pm SPC Town Hall meeting (identical content) Key Events If Session determines SPC is a congregation disaffected with the PC(USA), then Presbytery and SPC will begin a process described in the Book of Order and Presbytery of San Jose’s Gracious Dismissal policy to see if differences can be resolved. No change can be made without SPC member approval by vote. Revised 6/8/2012 Estimated Timeframes: ___
SPC’s Mission Statement Inspiring all generations to make Jesus Christ central in every part of our lives † Relationship with Jesus † Community centered in Christ † Compassion in response to Christ
What Should You Do? Pray for our church Attend both Town Hall meetings Ask lots of questions; do your own research Give pastors and Discernment Team feedback – Stay focused on our mission Inspiring all generations to make Jesus Christ central in every part of our lives
What Do You Believe? ? Authority of Scripture Lordship of Jesus Worship, Membership & Leadership Political Activism in SPC
Q & A