Mark 5:21– 43 (Matthew 9:18-26 & Luke 8:41-56) Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a sick woman
Overview Background and introduction Jairus’ request The woman’s need The woman’s faith The woman’s encounter with Jesus Jairus’ faith challenged Jairus’ daughter raised So what?
Background and introduction Large crowd Two unrelated people Their stories intertwine The interaction between the two One anonymous; the other identified Once again, this miracle was verifiable Two very different people Both needed Jesus
Jairus’ request Jairus was a synagogue leader His 12 year old daughter was sick Jairus falls at Jesus feet Pleads earnestly with Jesus Peer pressure to oppose Jesus Jairus recognises his need Humbles himself and honour’s Jesus Jesus is the only one who can meet it Jesus goes with him Important person Lay person (not a priest) Responsible for administration of synagogue, maintenance of building, care of the scrolls containing the scriptures, teaching and arranging for visiting Rabbi’s to speak His 12 year old daughter was sick and on the point of death Luke tells us that she was his only daughter Cultural significance of the 12 year old virgin “come and put your hands on her that she may live” – The limits of Jairus’ faith Jairus recognises that Jesus is at least a great prophet / teacher who should be honoured
The woman’s need Subject to bleeding for 12 years Ceremonial uncleanness (Leviticus 15: 19-33) Social outcast Suffered greatly under many doctors Spent all that she had Grew worse instead of better Jairus’ daughter had brought him joy for 12 years and was at the point of death: about to be taken from him This woman had been afflicted for 12 years Ceremonial uncleanness would prevent her from participating in the synagogue and temple life People would avoid her because of the ceremonial uncleanness The doctors at the time engaged in practices that were little more than superstitious mumbo-jumbo
The woman’s faith When the woman heard about Jesus: She believed that he could help She believed that she needed some (physical) contact This kind of thinking was not uncommon Jesus does not criticise her lack of faith Jesus commends her and points out that it is her faith that was important The idea that healing could come through contact with the clothes of a prophet was common Acts 5:15 As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and mats so that at least Peter's shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by. “Daughter, your faith has healed you” (34)
The woman’s encounter with Jesus Touched Jesus cloak from behind Immediately she was healed Jesus immediately realised “Who touched me?” Jesus kept looking around She fell at his feet, trembling with fear and told the whole truth Jesus encourages her faith Even without any direct word from Jesus she was healed Jesus felt the power leave him Daughter – nowhere else Your faith has healed you Go in peace – be freed
Jairus’ faith challenged While Jesus was still speaking… Why bother the teacher any more Jesus ignored what they said Don’t be afraid, keep on believing Why all this commotion? She is not dead but asleep The people laughed / ridiculed him They believed that while she was still alive, Jesus may be able to help but now it was too late! KJV – laughed him to scorn
Jairus’ daughter raised Sent everyone out except for: Jairus, his wife, Peter, James and John 5 witnesses (law demands 2 or 3) Took her by the hand Little girl, I say to you, get up! She immediately stood up and walked around Don’t tell anyone Give her something to eat Unlike the raising of the son of the widow of Nain where there were 2 large crowds Jesus deals with everyone as individuals It is Jesus who speaks the words of life
So what? Do we see and respond to people individually? Do we all, recognise that we need Jesus forgiveness and healing? Do we allow peer pressure (or other pressures) rob us of a blessing? Do we recognise the battles that others have coming to Christ and do we do what we can to help them overcome these? Are we willing to humble ourselves and beg earnestly for the blessing? Are we ready to reach out to the “hopeless and helpless”? Do we believe that God can deal with their issues? What are our “if”s? I believe Jesus could if… Do we waste time measuring our faith instead of getting on with exercising faith? Do we seek complete healing or just a problem solved? Do we ever give up, believing it is “too late”? Do we ever ridicule / laugh / disbelieve? Do we do the things we should or do we expect God to do everything for us?
Questions and comments?