Country Report on IL Movement of Myanmar Nay Lin Soe Founder/ Program Director Myanmar Independent Living Initiative
Country Profile 677,000 Square kilometers Largest country in mainland South-east Asia region Country population – 60 millions Persons with Disabilities – 2.3 % (1.3 million) Women with disability = 45% & Men with disability = 55% Myanmar India Ocean
Disability Information in Myanmar 53% of Children with disability can’t access primary education 85% of Persons with disability do not have job Focal ministry on disability – Ministry of social welfare 8-National DPOs and about 35-SHGs of PwDs 12-Special schools for PwDs 4-INGOs and 2-LNGOs working on disability issue Disability Law & Policy status 1958 – Job Replacement Act for PwDs (Just on paper) 2009 – Conducted National Disability Survey 2010 – Adopted National Plan of Action for PwDs 2011 – Ratified UN-Convention on the Rights of PwDs 2012 – Drafting comprehensive Law on the rights of PwDs
Disabled People Movement in Myanmar 2002 PwDs PwDs PwDs Charity Medical Social Medical Charity Equal right Social Medical Self-advocate on Rights Initiate & Establish DPOs Become subjects at Society Objects at Institutions Burdens in Communities No DPOs in the Country DPOs are increased a lot Strengthen inclusion Agents of change Concept
IL Movement in Myanmar PwDs from Myanmar got chance to learn IL concept and it’s movement in Japan, Korea and Thailand. 3-Myanmars with disability (Nay Lin Soe, Aung Ko Myint and May Khant Chit Khin) established “Myanmar Independent Living Initiative, MILI” together with peer colleagues. It is the first organization who works for IL movement in Myanmar
To build an inclusive and right-based barrier-free society where persons with disabilities can live independently with their full potential as others 1)To empower and support persons with disabilities for their independent living 2)To advocate and promote the inclusion and rights of persons with disabilities We are Agents of Change Vision Mission Motto
Current Activities & Movements Advocate to government and other stakeholders Develop the capacity of PwDs and their DPOs Establish IL-Groups to start IL-Movements Work to ensure disability law Disability Inclusive Agriculture Others
1) Advocacy to Government
Advocacy to Government Ministries Make the Right Real Event in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Advocacy to Union Parliament Members
Disability Inclusive Election Workshop
2) Advocacy to Religious Sector
Advocacy to Religious Leaders
3) Advocacy to Business Sector
Advocacy to Shopping Malls and Restaurants
4) Advocacy to NGOs
Advocacy to Non-Government Organizations
5) Advocacy to Media
Advocacy to Media Personnel
Disability Advocacy Events & Movements
Establish IL-Groups of PWDs
Barrier-free Campaign of PWDs
Capacity Development of PWDs and DPOs
Regular National Leadership Training Program for Youths with Disability
Leadership Workshop DPOs’ Leaders Training on Disability Rights Meeting on the Rights of PWDs
Actively Involve in Drafting new Disability Law
Others Provide assistive devices Participate in National IDD Ceremony
Disability Inclusive Agriculture and Fishery
Publication and DVD Documentary on Disability Rights
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