Zacchaeus Climbed a Sycamore Tree Luke 19: 1-9
Zacchaeus Climbed a Sycamore Tree - Luke 19: 1-9 §Sycamore tree common in Jericho/surrounding area §‘Poorer’ fruit than other figs §They took a lot of work and time to prune and ‘pierce’
Zacchaeus Climbed a Sycamore Tree - Luke 19: 1-9 §no surprise to find many along the streets of Jericho (like in Tel Aviv)>> §It may have been common (and easy) to climb them
Zacchaeus Climbed a Sycamore Tree - Luke 19: 1-9 §Zacchaeus a ‘Chief tax collector’/ ‘wealthy’ §Tax collectors were greatly disliked! §e.g. Matt 9:11, When the Pharisees saw this (Jesus having dinner at Matthew’s house), they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and ‘sinners’?” §Zacchaeus ‘climbed a Sycamore fig tree. §He just wanted to see what all the fuss was about. §Maybe he heard Jesus was ‘friend of sinners’? §Who was this crowd? Seekers? Believers? §Jesus knew Zacchaeus’ name and all about him!
Zacchaeus Climbed a Sycamore Tree - Luke 19: 1-9 §Zacchaeus was delighted to welcome Jesus. §The word for ‘gladly’ is more literally ‘rejoicing’ §Then... “All the people… began to mutter.” §Kingdom of God being offered to ‘sinners’? §Jesus knew we need to learn humility… §…and know the problem of looking down on others. §Jesus SEEKS AND SAVES THE LOST! §Zacchaeus resolved ‘then and there’ to make changes in his life. §His actions did not save him, but showed it. §Lives changed out of gratitude for what He has done.
Zacchaeus Climbed a Sycamore Tree - Luke 19: 1-9 §Every one of us should be able to sing with Zacchaeus, “I was lost, but now I’m found” §Disciples should do as He did, take every opportunity to reach out in His love to all those He has found and saved §Like Zacchaeus, let’s show the world that we are changed by the forgiveness and love Jesus showed us §Climb down from your tree, let Him fill you with His Love and show you how to serve in His Kingdom!
Zacchaeus Climbed a Sycamore Tree - Luke 19: 1-9
§“bearing fruit in every good work” Col 1:10 § Sycamore Figs