Fact [1] Countless people all around us are in grave danger. Fact [2] God commands us to do something about it. Fact [1] Countless people all around us are in grave danger. Fact [2] God commands us to do something about it.
SHINE My daily life must reflect the better way Jesus offers. Simple Things We All Can Do To Reach The Lost
SHINE My daily life must reflect the better way Jesus offers. SPEAK Spiritual things should naturally come out in my conversation with others. Simple Things We All Can Do To Reach The Lost
Talk about God’s Word Give God glory for good things in our lives Tell the lost we are praying for them Point grieving people to God Speak positively about the congregation Say simple things
SHINE My daily life must reflect the better way Jesus offers. SPEAK Spiritual things should naturally come out in my conversation with others. INVITE As we talk positively about spiritual things, we should invite others to come and see for themselves. As we talk positively about spiritual things, we should invite others to come and see for themselves. Simple Things We All Can Do To Reach The Lost
The next day Jesus decided to go to Galilee. And he found Philip and said to him, "Follow me." Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the city of Andrew and Peter. Philip found Nathanael, and said to him, "We have found him of whom Moses in the law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see." (John 1: RSV) “Come and See!”
Bible Class Worship Services Gospel Meetings Kids Konnection Special Events: [a] Pray For Soldiers [b] Show Videos [c] Group Bible Studies 25% of those who do not attend church services would come if invited
WELCOME SHINE My daily life must reflect the better way Jesus offers. SPEAK Spiritual things should naturally come out in my conversation with others. INVITE As we talk positively about spiritual things, we should invite others to come and see for themselves. As we talk positively about spiritual things, we should invite others to come and see for themselves. We must make sure that those who come to visit us are warmly welcomed as honored guests. We must make sure that those who come to visit us are warmly welcomed as honored guests. Simple Things We All Can Do To Reach The Lost
Read James 2:1-4 Be sure to greet them and introduce yourself. Take a moment to find out why they have come and what needs they might have. Show them every courtesy. Adhere to the “10-Minute” Rule. Read James 2:1-4 Be sure to greet them and introduce yourself. Take a moment to find out why they have come and what needs they might have. Show them every courtesy. Adhere to the “10-Minute” Rule.
“You Can Do Personal Work” by Otis Gatewood 3 Steps are essential in doing personal work: 1.We must be able to approach people 2.We must teach them 3.Then persuade them to action! The approach is the most important part! –“The first few words we say and how we say them may determine whether a soul will spend eternity in heaven or hell.” –If we approach the individual correctly, he may listen and be receptive, if not, he may be stubborn and rebellious.
Remember: Sources of Prospects Non-Christian Mates Non-Christian Children and Relatives Delinquent Christians Visitors –Worship –Bible Study (Sunday, midweek, Ladies Classes; Youth Classes) –Gospel Meetings; VBS –Baptisms (Other than regular services) –Social activities of Christians Neighbors Newcomers Referrals Counseling Bible Correspondence Course Enrollees Website / participants Questioners Objectioners Non-Christian Mates Non-Christian Children and Relatives Delinquent Christians Visitors –Worship –Bible Study (Sunday, midweek, Ladies Classes; Youth Classes) –Gospel Meetings; VBS –Baptisms (Other than regular services) –Social activities of Christians Neighbors Newcomers Referrals Counseling Bible Correspondence Course Enrollees Website / participants Questioners Objectioners Hospitals Rest homes – convalescent homes House to House Door to Door Workers Benevolent Contacts Parent of Day School Enrollee Youth Camps College Campuses Radio / TV / Newspaper contacts Telephone Directory Contacts at Birth Wedding Contacts Funerals Business Contacts Fair Booth / Shopping Center Jail / Prison Contacts Hospitals Rest homes – convalescent homes House to House Door to Door Workers Benevolent Contacts Parent of Day School Enrollee Youth Camps College Campuses Radio / TV / Newspaper contacts Telephone Directory Contacts at Birth Wedding Contacts Funerals Business Contacts Fair Booth / Shopping Center Jail / Prison Contacts
“You Can Do Personal Work” by Otis Gatewood Chapter VIII - How To Arouse Interest –Spend some time getting people ready to hear –Be genuinely interested in others’ interests –Take notice of children! –Help people in time of need –Invite nonmembers to eat with you –Be with them in play (good, worthwhile entertainment) –Convert your business associate
WELCOME SHINE My daily life must reflect the better way Jesus offers. SPEAK Spiritual things should naturally come out in my conversation with others. INVITE As we talk positively about spiritual things, we should invite others to come and see for themselves. As we talk positively about spiritual things, we should invite others to come and see for themselves. We must make sure that those who come to visit us are warmly welcomed as honored guests. We must make sure that those who come to visit us are warmly welcomed as honored guests. Simple Things We All Can Do To Reach The Lost
Sources “4 Simple Ways to Reach the Lost” by Max Dawson “You can Do Personal Work” by Otis Gatewood