South Dakota Transition Summer Institute Going Beyond Indicator 13 Requirements July 14-16, 2014 Dr. Ed O’Leary South Dakota Transition Summer Institute Going Beyond Indicator 13 Requirements July 14-16, 2014 Dr. Ed O’Leary
What is the Matrix? Identifies relationships between requirements, enhanced practices, predictors and predictor activities (evidence based practices). Purpose: Help educators use data and evidence based practices to develop comprehensive, coordinated IEPs that meet Indicator 13 and lead to improved post-school results. Indicator 13 RequirementsIndicator 13 Requirements Indicator 13 Enhanced PracticesIndicator 13 Enhanced Practices Predictor Activities – Related to I-13 RequirementsPredictor Activities – Related to I-13 Requirements
How To Use the Matrix 1.Identify/determine if IEP(s) meet the I-13 requirement YES Go to “Enhanced Practices”Go to “Enhanced Practices”NO Develop materials, put into place policies/practices to meet I-13Develop materials, put into place policies/practices to meet I-13 Go to “Enhanced Practices”Go to “Enhanced Practices” 2.Identify/determine if IEP(s) meet the I-13 “Enhanced Practices” YES Go to “Predictor Activities”Go to “Predictor Activities”NO Develop materials, put into place policies/practices to meet ‘Enhanced Practices”Develop materials, put into place policies/practices to meet ‘Enhanced Practices” Go to “Predictor Activities”Go to “Predictor Activities” 3.Review Related Predictor Activities Include appropriate Predictor Activities in IEPsInclude appropriate Predictor Activities in IEPs
Student Invitation Meeting the Requirement Develop materialsDevelop materials Example Student InvitationExample Student Invitation
Enhanced Practices Example - Student Invitation Develop materials, put into place policies/practices to meet ‘Enhanced Practices” The student is prepared before the IEP Team meeting so they know what to expect and how to best participate.The student is prepared before the IEP Team meeting so they know what to expect and how to best participate. The student attends and actively participates in the discussions and decisions at their IEP meeting.The student attends and actively participates in the discussions and decisions at their IEP meeting. The student:The student: Is aware of and discuss their disability and the accommodations they need to be successful. Is aware of and discuss their disability and the accommodations they need to be successful. Understands how their disability impacts their daily life in school, at work and in the community. Understands how their disability impacts their daily life in school, at work and in the community. Actively participates in the discussions and decisions. Actively participates in the discussions and decisions. Provides information on their strengths, preferences and interests. Provides information on their strengths, preferences and interests. Presents a summary of the transition assessments (strengths, preferences, interest) and how they used that information to help them determine their MPGs. Presents a summary of the transition assessments (strengths, preferences, interest) and how they used that information to help them determine their MPGs. Presents and discusses their measurable post secondary goals. Presents and discusses their measurable post secondary goals. Advocates for themselves. Advocates for themselves. Students are instructed on how to participate and take a leadership role in their IEP Team meeting.Students are instructed on how to participate and take a leadership role in their IEP Team meeting. Students receive self-advocacy and self-determination instruction.Students receive self-advocacy and self-determination instruction.
Enhanced Practices Example - Student Invitation Grade – 9thGrade Transition Course English US History Biology Pre-algebra Computer II Project Skills Transition Courses of Study ( Required on or before the student’s 16th birthday) (Complete for the current school year through the planned exit year) ( Should relate to and help the student to progress towards achievement of the Measurable Postsecondary Goals listed above) Policy/Practices District provides “Transition Course”District provides “Transition Course” Every student on IEP beginning in 9 th grade must take the “Transition Course”Every student on IEP beginning in 9 th grade must take the “Transition Course” Transition Course includes training on disability awareness, self- advocacy, self-determination and self-directed IEP meetings.Transition Course includes training on disability awareness, self- advocacy, self-determination and self-directed IEP meetings.
Predictor Activities (Evidence Based Practices) Example - Student Invitation Related Predictor Activities: 9.1, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6, 9.8, – Student driven IEP process: Practice Every IEP that includes transition begins with the presentation of the Measurable Post- Secondary Goals and Age Appropriate Transition Assessment results leading to the MPG’s. 9.3 – Teach students to self-monitor...: Practice Transition Course – Course of Study 9.5 – Conduct Age Appropriate Transition Assessments…: Practice Findings documented in “PLAAFP” 9.6 – Provide direct instruction in self-determination…: Practice Transition Course in the course of study. 9.8 – Work collaboratively with students…: Practice Course of study – transition course Transition assessment – discussions and student presentation at IEP 11.6 – Use augmentative communication…: Practice Students use AC to present and lead discussion at their IEP meeting
Predictor Activities (Evidence Based Practices) Example - Student Invitation Related Predictor Activities: 9.1, 9.3, 9.5, 9.6, 9.8, 11.6 Transition Services / Coordinated Set of Activities Page 4B *Transition Services must be a coordinated set of Activities/Strategies designed within a results oriented process. This means that the activities are those steps or things that need to happen that will lead to post-school results and help the student achieve their desired post secondary goals. All of the activities that will need to happen to help students achieve their post secondary goals cannot be done by the school alone. Thus, the activities should include those things that others (students, families and the appropriate adult services, agencies or programs) will need to do. When viewed as a whole, the activities should demonstrate involvement and coordination between schools, students, families and the appropriate adult services, agencies or programs. Instruction: Activity RecommendationsPersonnel/Agency/Person ResponsibleDate Initiated Date Completed Enroll in a Transition CourseSPED staff Using the ME! Curriculum, learn self-determination, self-advocacy skills. (9.6) (TR4Y Resources) SPED staff/student Learn self monitoring and self-determination skills (accommodations/modifications) and practice self- monitoring and reporting strategies. (9.3, 9.7) SPED staff/student Acquisition of Daily Living Skills (When appropriate): Activity RecommendationsPersonnel/Agency/Person ResponsibleDate Initiated Date Completed Complete the “Student-Directed Transition Planning” lessons and discuss results of transition assessments with teachers, guidance counselor and parents to assist in determining MPG’s and in developing a post school plan. (9.8) (TR4Y Resources) Student/parent/SPED/guidance counselor