Ray Graham Association Empowering people with disabilities I.


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Presentation transcript:

Ray Graham Association Empowering people with disabilities I

Alliance for Full Participation AFP is a formal partnership of leading national I/DD organizations with a common vision – to create a better and more fulfilling quality of life for people with I/DD. Vision: That People with I/DD and their families realize the promise of integration, productivity, independence and quality of life choices.

AFP Partners

AFP History… Founded in 2003 as a collaboration of key stakeholders hosted first national summit launched a new campaign: “Real Jobs – It’s Everyone’s Business”. Goal: Double employment by 2015! 2011 Employment First Summit.

AFP Vision for Employment Employment expectations are the same for all; Education settings assist in raising expectations; Person is the focus of the employment process; Discovering interests and experiences are important; Customization, choice, and natural supports ensure satisfaction and retention; Career development is always a consideration; Employment is in regular, competitive, inclusive settings. Interactions and relationships are valued; Compensated at or above minimum wage, up to prevailing wage.

AFP - Illinois State Team 30 diverse members statewide and growing; Team includes self advocates and families; Completed “score card” (IL did not score well…); Identifying priorities; Advocacy role and provide input and leadership on the development of key public policy; Governors Task Force (overlap of membership and collaboration); Illinois – Employment First Summit

Olmstead Supreme Court Decision As described the DOJ website: Olmstead v. L.C. is a ruling that requires states to eliminate the unnecessary segregation of persons with disabilities and ensure that persons with disabilities receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. Where do sheltered workshops fit in?

National Efforts to End Subminimum Wage for People with Disabilities “Ensuring that Americans with disabilities receive equal pay for equal work is more than a matter of basic fairness, it’s a long-overdue acknowledgement of the value disabled Americans contribute to our workplaces every day,” said Rep. Tim Bishop, D-N.Y., who introduced the bill along with Rep. Cliff Stearns, R-Fla. (disabilityscoop, Oct. 2011)

Join Team AFP-Illinois Kim Zoeller

Think outside the box… Yes, you can transition your sheltered work program to a more beneficial model of services (it’s about people not programs). Micro-Business Development is a great option for people. Use existing fund streams creatively!! Collaboration! Willingness to take a risk and think outside of the box! Encourage families to push….