Man on surfboard on wave
Agenda Overview of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Overview of Independent Living Rehabilitation Services (ILRS) Role of Assistive Technology (AT) in VR and IL How to contact VR/IL to make a referral Bart Simpson on a surfboard in curl of wave
Program Breakdown Department ofDepartment ofEconomicSecurity(DES) EconomicSecurity(DES) Employment andEmployment and Rehabilitation ServicesRehabilitation Services(DERS) Department ofDepartment of Employment andEmployment and Rehabilitation ServicesRehabilitation Services(DERS) Other Division RehabilitationServicesAdministration(RSA)RehabilitationServicesAdministration(RSA) Other Administration Other Administration Other Administration Other Administration VocationalRehabilitation(VR)VocationalRehabilitation(VR) IndependentLivingRehabilitationServices(ILRS)IndependentLivingRehabilitationServices(ILRS) Other Section Other Section
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Mission Arizona Rehabilitation Services Administration will partner with eligible individuals who have disabilities to achieve employment outcomes and enhanced independence by offering comprehensive services and supports. Vision Individuals with disabilities will be empowered to achieve their employment and independent living goals.
RSA Guiding Principles Promote the transformative power of independence through the achievement of client goals. Facilitate and encourage full and active client participation. Provide effective and quality services. Be creative and responsible in the provision of services. Support community inclusion and social development. Collaborate with community organizations, Federal/State agencies, clients, employers, and businesses.
VR Eligibility Criteria The individual has: A documented disability that Results in substantial barriers to employment The individual desires and is able to work competitively The individual requires VR services in order to prepare for, obtain, retain, or regain employment 4 Cartoon penguins with surfboards on the beach
Priority Category First Priority- most significant disability related service needs Second Priority- significant disability related service needs Third Priority- less significant disability related service needs
VR Process Intake Eligibility decision and OOS IPE Development IPE Service Provision Employment Case closure
Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) Similar to IEP but with vocational focus Objectives Goals Responsibilities Services Timeline
VR Services Services are identified on a case by case basis in order to meet the individualized needs of all that apply. Assessments Vocational Guidance and counseling Training Work site evaluation Job Development and placement Rehabilitation technology services and devices
More VR Services… Career exploration Disability Awareness Job-readiness Work Experience opportunities Row of surf students on the beach practicing stance for instructor
ILRS Purpose The ILRS program is designed to enable individuals with significant disabilities to live and function more independently within their home or community. ILRS promotes a philosophyof independent living, consumer control, peer support, self-help, self determination, equal access, leadership, empowerment, and productivity of individuals with disabilities.
ILRS Eligibility Criteria The presence of a significant physical, mental or cognitive or sensory disability that limits an individual's ability to function independently in family or community or to engage or continue in employment There is a reasonable expectation that independent living rehabilitation services will significantly assist the individual to improve his/her ability to function independently in family or community or to engage or continue in employment.
ILRS Process Intake Eligibility decision ILP Development ILP Service Provision Attainment of IL Goal(s) Case closure Cartoon penguin riding on surfboard
Independent Living Plan (ILP) ILP goals are designed to increase and maintain independence in significant life areas. An ILP is not limited to only one goal, but should include the goals necessary and appropriate to meet the client's needs. Examples of primary goals related to the Independent Living Rehabilitation Services program that can be considered when developing the clients ILP: Self-Advocacy/Self Empowerment, communication, mobility/transportation, community-based living, educational, self care, information access/technology, Personal Resource Management, Relocation from a Nursing Home or Institution, Community/Social Participation
ILRS Services Adaptive Driving & Vehicle Modifications Hand controls, Wheelchair lift Home Modifications Wheelchair ramp Door widening Grab bars Rehabilitation Technology
How to get started… with VR or ILRS AZRSA Central Office: Toll-Free: TTY - Maricopa County: (602) TTY - Outside Maricopa County:
Questions Question mark in a thought cloud
Presenters Ana Núñez, Statewide Transition Coordinator , Betty Schoen, Region 1 Transition Specialist , Cartoon fish with caption Gnarly Dude