(cut line) (fold line ) (inner margin ) (back)(front) If You are a Young Dairy Producer Seeking a Good Living Farming in Cortland County… … We Know You Can Do It! Learn Key Skills in Managing for Success ’08: Time for Change! February 19 & 26, 2008 Conference Room First Pioneer Farm Credit Office Rt. 281, Homer (across from school) 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. *Note that the February 6 th session begins with “ Ten Critical Decisions for Family Owned Businesses ”, developed by Dr. Pat Frishkoff (Oregon State Univ.) and presented by Lee Telega, PRO-DAIRY. This is best utilized if both generations of a transitioning Dairy Business can attend. (No charge for the “extra” people!) *Other presenters include John Conway, PRO-DAIRY, Janice Degni, SCNY Dairy & Field Crops Team and other professionals based on enclosed preference survey results. Workshop fee for both days (includes all printed material and lunch) is $30.00 These are purposely small group workshops, so spots are capped! Please register early by… Mail/Fax/ to: Sharon Van Deuson Cortland CCE Rm. 105, 60 Central Ave. Cortland, NY V Fax Send the enclosed survey to same address *Note that the February 6 th session begins with “ Ten Critical Decisions for Family Owned Businesses ”, developed by Dr. Pat Frishkoff (Oregon State Univ.) and presented by Lee Telega, PRO-DAIRY. This is best utilized if both generations of a transitioning Dairy Business can attend. (No charge for the “extra” people!) *Other presenters include John Conway, PRO-DAIRY, Janice Degni, SCNY Dairy & Field Crops Team and other professionals based on enclosed preference survey results. Workshop fee for both days (includes all printed material and lunch) is $30.00 These are purposely small group workshops, so spots are capped! Please register early by… Mail/Fax/ to: Sharon Van Deuson Cortland CCE Rm. 105, 60 Central Ave. Cortland, NY V Fax Send the enclosed survey to same address If You are a Young Dairy Producer Seeking a Good Living Farming in Cortland County… … We Know You Can Do It! Learn Key Skills in Managing for Success ’08: Time for Change! February 19 & 26, 2008 Conference Room First Pioneer Farm Credit Office Rt. 281, Homer (across from school) 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
(cut line) (fold line ) (inner margin ) (inside left)(inside right) Whether at the business level dealing strategically with the big picture and the future of the family farm… at the enterprise level trying to do the best job possible with crops, cows and heifers… at the systems level making sure milking procedures are uniformly correct this time and all the time… or at the task level assisting your best heifer with her first calf, Managing for Success ‘08 will give you ways of ensuring the results of your efforts match up with what you want out of your business! Recognize unique attributes of involvement in a family owned business and discover proactive ways to avoid the pitfalls. Develop an ongoing process to: clarify the business’s purpose, create a picture of future success, understand what drives the people involved and cultivate a compelling vision that motivates success Assess the farm’s natural, physical,financial, and people resources, then set long and short term goals for improvement. Internalize the problem solving process (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and apply it at all levels throughout the business. Breakthrough the barriers imposed by peoples’ natural resistance to change and the downside to conflict through thoughtful communication. See back panel to register Learn to: Whether at the business level dealing strategically with the big picture and the future of the family farm… at the enterprise level trying to do the best job possible with crops, cows and heifers… at the systems level making sure milking procedures are uniformly correct this time and all the time… or at the task level assisting your best heifer with her first calf, Managing for Success ‘08 will give you ways of ensuring the results of your efforts match up with what you want out of your business! Recognize unique attributes of involvement in a family owned business and discover proactive ways to avoid the pitfalls. Develop an ongoing process to: clarify the business’s purpose, create a picture of future success, understand what drives the people involved and cultivate a compelling vision that motivates success Assess the farm’s natural, physical,financial, and people resources, then set long and short term goals for improvement. Internalize the problem solving process (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and apply it at all levels throughout the business. Breakthrough the barriers imposed by peoples’ natural resistance to change and the downside to conflict through thoughtful communication. See back panel to register Learn to:
(cut line) (fold ine) We won’t have time to cover all three of the human interaction topics in the 2-day workshop. So please tell us what appeal to you the most. That will help us nail down the best presenters for the topics you want. Please rate them 1, 2 or 3 below. MFS Workshop Human Interaction Topics The 3 C’s of Positive Human Interaction Understanding & dealing with constant c hange The critical need for shared, clear c ommunication Making c onflict a productive “above-the-surface” process Setting anchored priorities… managing valuable time How much Leadership, how often and when? *Directional, Reasonable, Inspirational, Visible, Eventual **Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding, Timed We won’t have time to cover all three of the human interaction topics in the 2-day workshop. So please tell us what appeal to you the most. That will help us nail down the best presenters for the topics you want. Please rate them 1, 2 or 3 below. MFS Workshop Human Interaction Topics The 3 C’s of Positive Human Interaction Understanding & dealing with constant c hange The critical need for shared, clear c ommunication Making c onflict a productive “above-the-surface” process Setting anchored priorities… managing valuable time How much Leadership, how often and when? *Directional, Reasonable, Inspirational, Visible, Eventual **Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding, Timed We won’t have time to cover all three of the human interaction topics in the 2-day workshop. So please tell us what appeal to you the most. That will help us nail down the best presenters for the topics you want. Please rate them 1, 2 or 3 below. We won’t have time to cover all three of the human interaction topics in the 2-day workshop. So please tell us what appeal to you the most. That will help us nail down the best presenters for the topics you want. Please rate them 1, 2 or 3 below. MFS Workshop Human Interaction Topics The 3 C’s of Positive Human Interaction Understanding & dealing with constant c hange The critical need for shared, clear c ommunication Making c onflict a productive “above-the-surface” process Setting anchored priorities… managing valuable time How much Leadership, how often and when? *Directional, Reasonable, Inspirational, Visible, Eventual **Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding, Timed MFS Workshop Human Interaction Topics The 3 C’s of Positive Human Interaction Understanding & dealing with constant c hange The critical need for shared, clear c ommunication Making c onflict a productive “above-the-surface” process Setting anchored priorities… managing valuable time How much Leadership, how often and when? *Directional, Reasonable, Inspirational, Visible, Eventual **Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Rewarding, Timed