1 Quality of Service (QoS) Best Practices for CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Networks Engineering Services Group QUALCOMM, Inc.
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 3 What is QoS? QoS is a practice, that refers to the capability of a network to provide: Differentiated service to a selected group of user applications or for specific types of network traffic over Various transport technologies and across all communication segments QoS allows users with different OSI application layer needs to meet their service requirements while utilizing the available network resources efficiently QoS is IP data networking done right, to ensure consistent good user experience
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 4 Why implement QoS? Implementing QoS in IP networks: Ensures a consistent good user experience Enables new differentiated services and classes of service that were previously not feasible Supports tailored services for operator differentiation Allows coexistence of business-critical applications alongside interactive multimedia and voice applications Provides more efficient resource control and usage Is the foundation of the fully integrated network of the future
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 5 How is QoS achieved? QoS is achieved by optimal implementation of: Packet Classification Link Efficiency Queue Management Congestion Management Traffic Shaping and Policing Admission Control Every communication segment and network elements across all these communication segments must perform their share of QoS function Air interface, backhaul and IP backbone are few examples communication segments BTS, RAN, PDSN and Routers are few examples of network elements
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 6 QoS Application Criteria The four horsemen of an QoS applications are: Target Throughput (kbps): The minimum data rate at which usable data can be sent over the communication path from the origination to the destination Delay/Latency (ms): Maximum allowable delay between sending a packet at the origination and reception of that packet at the destination Jitter: The statistically tolerable variance of inter-arrival delay between two consecutive packets within the same IP flow/stream Reliability/PER (%): The number of packets that are in error out of the total number of packets transmitted The mechanism to honor the above per application requirements is Quality of Service (QoS)
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 7 Examples of QoS Applications Applications with flows that require QoS treatment are: Voice over IP (VoIP) Full-duplex communication with two flows: control and speech Packet Switched Video Telephony (PSVT) Full-duplex communication with three flows: control, audio and video Video Streaming (VS) Half-duplex communication with three flows: control, audio and video Push to Talk (PTT) Half-duplex communication with two flows: control and audio Rapid connection and paging Low Latency Games Full-duplex communication with one flow: control
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL Evolution of QoS in CDMA2000 1xEV-DO Networks 8
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 9 QoS in a typical 1xEV-DO Network Architecture Air Interface QoS Backhaul QoS (Typically IP over T1) Backbone QoS (Typically IP over OC-3) R-P Interface QoS (Typically IP over Ethernet) Core Data Network QoS (Typically DiffServ mechanism) QoS Packet Marking and Classification
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL User-based QoS in 1xEV-DO Rel 0 systems: Enables the system to treat users with different levels of priority based on their subscription level (Executive, Premium, Standard) User profile determines priority level and available applications Different levels of priority based on the current application utilized Flexibility to switch priorities based on the applications launched Once priority established, all of the user’s application packets are treated with same priority Implemented with minimal software changes 10 QoS in 1xEV-DO Rel 0 Networks: User-based EXECUTIVE USER STANDARD USER Highest Priority Packets Medium Priority Packets Low Priority Packets PREMIUM USER
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 11 User-based QoS in 1xEV-DO Rel 0 Networks: Illustration Air Interface QoS User-based Inter-AT QoS Backhaul QoS QoS for Abis signaling QoS for different Users Backbone QoS Inherent application IP QoS Dependency on AT marking IP QoS R-P Interface QoS QoS for A11 signaling User Profile based QoS on A10 Core Data Network QoS (Typically DiffServ mechanism) QoS Packet Marking and Classification
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 12 QoS in 1xEV-DO Rev A: Application-based Application-based QoS in 1xEV-DO Rev A systems: Enables the system to treat applications with different levels of priority Same applications within and across ATs get the same priority. Implemented with an upgrade to 1xEV-DO Rev A system that provides: 1xEV-DO Rev A Air interface features: Multi-Flow Packet Application and Enhanced Multi-flow Packet Application Packet-based RLP ROHC Short Packets Multi-user Packets One-to-many mapping of DRC index to transmission formats NULL to non-NULL Rate DRC mapping DRC Translation Offset RTCMAC Subtype 3 algorithm RL Hybrid ARQ Data Source Control channel Improved Access Channel for rapid access 1xEV-DO Rev A RAN features: QoS aware scheduler DRC/DSC Erasure mapping FL Delayed-ARQ Seamless handoff via Route Selection Sub-Synchronous Control Channel Cycle for fast paging Quick Connect 1xEV-DO Rev A PDSN features: SO67 to forward IP packets to RAN Packet filters & prioritization with Multiple A10’s Authorization & accounting
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 13 Application-based QoS in 1xEV-DO Rev A Networks: Illustration Air Interface QoS QoS Negotiated Application-based Intra and Inter-AT Backhaul QoS QoS for Abis signaling QoS for different Applications Backbone QoS Inherent application IP QoS Rely on PDSN marking IP QoS R-P Interface QoS QoS for A11 signaling Application Profile based QoS on Auxiliary A10 Core Data Network QoS (Typically DiffServ mechanism) QoS Packet Marking and Classification
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 14 QoS Evolution in 1xEV-DO 3GPP2 Framework: SUMMARY QoS Features1xEV-DO Rel 01xEV-DO Rev A (Backward compatible to Rel 0) 1xEV-DO Rev B (Backward compatible to Rel 0 and Rev A) Packet Classification User-based (UATI-based) Multi-Flow (MFPA) Enhanced Multi-flow (EMFPA) Multi-Flow RTCMAC (Subtype 3) Multi-Link Multi-Flow (MLMFPA) Multi-Carrier Traffic Channels Link Efficiency FL Hybrid ARQ Short and Long PL Packets Multi-User Packets RL Hybrid ARQ Packet-based framing ROHC Queue Management User-based Priority (Inter-AT) FL Proportional Fair Scheduler RL Rate Transition Probabilities Applications-based Priority (Inter-AT and Intra-AT) FL Generalized/Delay Fair RL RTCMAC algorithm (Transition\Priority Functions) Multi-Carrier Independent Queuing Congestion Management Flow Control RED, WRED and Tail Drop mechanisms FL D-ARQ, DRC/DSC Erasure, NULL to non-NULL Rate map RL RTCMAC algorithm Enhanced Flow Control Multi-Carrier Load Balancing Traffic Shaping and PDSN User-based Profile Application-based Profile (FL Scheduler and RL Token- bucket algorithm) Admission Control QoS Profiles and QoS Traffic Class based
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 16 QoS Within a 1xEV-DO Rev A Framework The QoS required for an application with distinct IP Flows (such as PSVT Audio, PSVT Video and Signaling IP Flow) is achieved using: Multi-Flow Packet Application (MFPA) or Enhanced Multi-Flow Packet Application (EMFPA) Reverse Traffic Channel MAC Subtype 3 protocol (RTCMAC3) on the Reverse Link Enhanced Forward Traffic Channel MAC Protocol on the Forward Link Physical Layer Subtype 2 QoS aware Forward Link Scheduler Various attributes of the protocols are negotiated either using the Session Configuration Protocol or the Generic Attribute Update Protocol.
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 17 What does QoS mean in 1xEV-DO Rev A Networks? Flows, Flows, Flows, and Queues To achieve 1xEV-DO Rev A air interface QoS for an application, the following flows are used and negotiated: IP Flows are data streams generated by a user application (OSI) residing outside the 1xEV-DO Rev A protocol stack. RLP Flows reside at the 1xEV-DO Rev A Application Layer and use either Multi-Flow Packet Application (MFPA) or Enhanced MFPA. These flows are mapped to the upper layer IP flows. RTCMAC Flows reside at the 1xEV-DO Rev A MAC layer and use RTCMAC Subtype 3. These flows are associated to the upper layer RLP flows. Multiple instances (queues) of these flows provide QoS for concurrent applications at the AT, such as PSVT Audio, PSVT Video, and PSVT signaling.
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 18 Multi-Flow Concept: Concurrent BE and PSVT Traffic Each flow has independent QoS requirement – Identified by a Reservation Label Association between Reservation Label and RLP Flow is established RLP header is applied RTCMAC subtype 3 assigns priorities to handle the data of each flow
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 19 How is QoS requested in 1xEV-DO Rev A Networks? QoS in 1xEV-DO Rev A is defined and requested in terms of: Flow Specification – Used by the AT to state air interface resources required for QoS application (FlowProfileID) Interaction between AT and RAN over 1xEV-DO Rev A Signaling Filter Specification – Used by the AT to define IP traffic flow classification and QoS treatment determination (Traffic Flow Template or TFT) Interaction between AT and PDSN as Reservation Resource Protocol (RSVP) over UDP Port 3455
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 20 Successful QoS Configuration The conditions for QoS to be GRANTED are: AT requests QoS (as a reservation, one per IP QoS Flow) QoS request accepted by AN with a non-NULL QoS response Requested reservation mapped to an RLP flow RLP to which the reservation is mapped is activated RLP flow is associated with an RTCMAC flow RTCMAC flow is activated RSVP messaging with the PDSN is successful, with the TFTs appropriately configured At this point QoS is Ready The AT, having determined the air interface QoS profile and the PDSN QoS configuration are complete, sends a ReservationOnRequest message when it desires to use the QoS
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 21 Logical States of QoS in 1xEV-DO Rev A Networks
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 23 QoS Best Practices for 1xEV-DO Rev A Networks 1.Establish AT’s protocols and OSI application capabilities 2.Understand the QoS application’s needs: a)Target Throughput b)Latency requirements c)Jitter d)Reliability e)Access and Paging needs f)Flow and Filter Specification 3.Design for end-to-end QoS (within your control) for the application: a) Air Interface b) Backhaul between the BTS and RNC c) Backbone network between the RNC and PDSN d) Core network controlled by the operator.
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 24 QoS Best Practices for 1xEV-DO Rev A Networks 4.End-to-end application QoS design considerations: a)Coexistence with other QoS application b)Coverage c)Capacity dimensioning (access and paging load considerations) 5.When to setup air interface QoS: a)Always-On QoS application, such as VoIP: Negotiate 1xEV-DO Rev A air interface QoS as part of Session Negotiation b)On-Demand QoS application, such as Video Streaming: Negotiate 1xEV-DO Rev A air interface QoS only when QoS application is invoked
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 25 QoS Best Practices for 1xEV-DO Rev A Networks 6.QoS setup signaling optimizations: a)Air Interface QoS signaling with RAN and RSVP messaging with the PDSN should happen in parallel b)Application registration (such as SIP REGISTER) can happen in parallel with QoS setup 7.Maintain QoS setup signaling integrity: a)All reservations for a single application (such as PSVT audio, PSVT video and signaling) should be bundled in a single QoS request message b)Protocol specific attributes negotiated should be bundled in a single bundled message 8.Implement Admission Control mechanisms
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 28 PSVT Call Flow: QoS Setup (1 of 2)
QUALCOMM CONFIDENTIAL 29 PSVT Call Flow: QoS Setup (2 of 2) Bundled in a single message