Press Conference L 9 Ing. Jiří Šnajdar 2013
On the occasion of important events like adoption of important delegation, at the conclusion of an important meeting, signing a contract, the presentation of a new product or model on the market, presentation of a political party election program, presentation of results at the end of the year, etc., are often organized the press conferences.
Preparing a press conference is very demanding and responsible job. Preparation requires accurate rethinking of the event, its detailed planning of and creating good conditions for those who will act on it. It is necessary to prepare well for guests, journalists, photographers and cameramen.
When the press conference held outside company or organization can rent space, refreshments and delegate technical background to specialized PR agency. Spokesperson, member of protocol can then concentrate on the substance of ensuring a good results.
For the press conference are circulated invitations or invitation letters on which the date and hour of the meeting, the exact location, reason and who is organizing conference is presented, including the time boundaries of events.
Journalists are collected from different media, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV. Cz PO also we invite fundamentally, from which derives the majority of news media, whose official confirmation messages mean objectivity of information.
Media will send specialists to the topic and also we invite journalists with whom we longer cooperate. At the invitation we will request a confirmation of participation, e- mail, phone or the supplied form. Invitations to press conferences are increasingly send by electronic mail.Including of the invitations is information about the program. Emergency press conference can be convened into 24 hours.
The room in which the press conference is held, it must be equipped for this purpose. Portable sound system and microphones are now commonplace. For foreign journalists is necessary to prepare simultaneous interpreting. It is appropriate to expose logo and image material company which organized the conference. All the equipment, microphones in advance test.
The speaker must be clearly visible. The main officials at the press conference will have nameplates in front of them. Do not forget to prepare drinks for speakers during the conference.
Refreshments are available during the conference in the form of drinks, coffee, etc. After the conference is usually entertainment in the form of meals, including hot meals. Drinks are served including wine and beer and the like.
At the opening press conference shortly spokesman launch. Spokesperson manages the entire press conference. In the case of foreign visitors is referred to as the first local representative and then passes the word foreign partner. There must be sufficient space for the questions of journalists and media. Spokesman also ends the conference.
Press conferences are held in the morning from to hours, or around hours, but not later than hours. If it is a very important information is included in print and broadcast immediately.
At the entrance to the room where the press conference will be held is position with the attendance list and place to leave a business card and contact. You will also know who attended the event. Maybe in the future that you will contact journalists and thank for the publicity.
Press conference starts exactly. In the beginning of the conference spokesman asks all to turn off mobile phones.
Necessary documents, information, images, catalogs, DVD are prepared in advance and every participant is received at the entrance. Not forgetting, information about other similar events, which are still being held. Into materials we will also place contact person who can provide further information and clarify questions. To the presentation material is appropriate to add a small gift with your company logo, pencils, pens, pads, etc.
At the beginning of the press conference spokesman present all at the head of the table and get acquainted all present with the program. Spokesman each speaker will introduce and after will thank him. Then ask to speak the next speaker. Spokesman insists that every journalist before answers the question he introduce himself and states the media name he /she is working for. Spokesman end press conference and thanks for the attention, cooperation and bid the present success in their work.
With journalists and the media need to maintain personal contact and provide them with information. We continually send them print materials, press statements, price lists, brochures, promotional materials, etc. Journalist to write positively, has to be convinced that this is a good thing or a quality product. It is appropriate to give him the opportunity to get the new car model tested alone.
Before any action is appropriate to perform a dress rehearsal. You need to make sure all the speakers are playing together and their performances are logically connected. Go through a press conference in the test, make sure all speakers control audiovisual equipment that operates lighting, sound, etc. All the details will be reflected in the outcome of your work.
Press conference ends, in fact, a few days after the event itself. It is necessary to go through all the media and evaluate publicity, we provoked.
A news conference or press conference is a media event in which newsmakers invite journalists to hear them speak and, most often, ask questions. A joint press conference instead is held between two or more talking sides. In a news conference, one or more speakers may make a statement, which may be followed by questions from reporters. Sometimes only questioning occurs; sometimes there is a statement with no questions permitted.
A media event at which no statements are made, and no questions allowed, is called a photo opportunity. A government may wish to open their proceedings for the media to witness events, such as the passing of a piece of legislation from the government in parliament to the senate, via a media availability.
Television stations and networks especially value news conferences: because today's TV news programs air for hours at a time, or even continuously, assignment editors have a steady appetite for ever-larger quantities of footage.
News conferences are often held by politicians (such as the President of the United States); by sports teams; by celebrities or film studios; by commercial organizations to promote products; by attorneys to promote lawsuits; and by almost anyone who finds benefit in the free publicity afforded by media coverage. Some people, including many police chiefs, hold news conferences reluctantly in order to avoid dealing with reporters individually.
News conferences can be held just about anywhere, in settings as formal as the White House room set aside for the purpose to as informal as the street in front of a crime scene. Hotel conference rooms and courthouses are often used for news conferences.
When the President of the United States holds a press conference, he takes questions from the press pool in a specific order: wire services, broadcast networks, national newspapers, newsmagazines, video and, lastly, regional newspapers. In crisis situations, it holds a special value. It offsets all burning questions at that particular moment.
Media day is a special press conference event where rather than holding a conference after an event to field questions about the event that has recently transpired, a conference is held for the sole purpose of making newsmakers available to the media for general questions and photographs often before an event or series of events (such as an athletic season) occur. In athletics, teams and leagues host media days prior to the season and may host them prior to special events during the season like all-star games and championship games.
Press videoconferencing is the process and concept of organizing an international press conference using videoconferencing (a form of teleconference) over the Internet. Journalists can participate in an International press conference from anywhere without leaving their offices or their countries. They need only appear in front of a computer connected to the Internet via video link and ask their questions to the speaker by using a microphone to joint the discussion.
A teleconference or teleseminar is the live exchange and mass articulation of information among several persons and machines remote from one another but linked by a telecommunications system. Terms such as audio conferencing, telephone conferencing and phone conferencing are also sometimes used to refer to teleconferencing.
Internet teleconferencing includes internet telephone conferencing, videoconferencing, web conferencing, and Augmented Reality conferencing. Telecollaboration refers to a set of software technologies that enable the integration and extension of personal desktop collaboration into high definition videoconferencing solutions.
A popular application is found in telepresence videoconferencing, the highest possible level of videotelephony. Telepresence via video deploys greater technical sophistication and improved fidelity of both sight and sound than in traditional videoconferencing. Technical advancements in mobile collaboration have also extended the capabilities of videoconferencing beyond the boardroom for use with hand-held mobile devices, enabling collaboration independent of location.
Telepresence refers to a set of technologies which allow a person to feel as if they were present, to give the appearance of being present, or to have an effect, via telerobotics, at a place other than their true location.
Telepresence requires that the users' senses be provided with such stimuli as to give the feeling of being in that other location. Additionally, users may be given the ability to affect the remote location. In this case, the user's position, movements, actions, voice, etc. may be sensed, transmitted and duplicated in the remote location to bring about this effect.