Workshop on Standards for EHS Research Needs for Engineered Nanoscale Materials WELCOME WELCOME Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory NIST Gaithersburg, MD USA September 12-13, 2007 Chemical Science and Technology Laboratory NIST Gaithersburg, MD USA September 12-13,
emergency number, x 2222 Bldg. 215: Advanced Measurement Laboratory
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The Organizing Committee Welcomes You Standards for Nano-EHS NameAffiliation Nora SavageU.S. EPA Justin TeeguardenPacific Northwest National Laboratory Dianne PosterNIST John Small (Chair)NIST Nigel WalkerNIEHS Scott McNeilNCL Richard CanadyU.S. FDA Laurie LocascioNIST Vladimir MurashovNIOSH Cate Alexander BrennanNNCO Mark WiesnerDuke University Michael PostekNIST Eric AmisNIST Kalman MiglerNIST David WarheitDupont Vicki ColvinRice University/ICON Angie Hight WalkerNIST Debbie KaiserNIST
Standards for Environmental, Health, and Safety Research Needs for Engineered Nanoscale Materials Sponsors: NIST ( National Nanotechnology Initiative ( Purpose: To identify standard materials needed to address toxicology and risk assessments of engineered nanoscale materials and technical challenges Standards for Nano-EHS
Goals are to: 1.Develop Approaches for Identifying Standard Materials Critical for Risk Assessment and Risk Management 2.Nomination of Materials Specific to User and Community Needs 3.Identify Critical Materials Characterization Parameters Required to Meet Needs of Specific Users and Communities 4.Identify Priority Reference Materials, Characterizations and Time-scales for Development Products will include an official NNI report to: assist with developing standards to address toxicology and risk assessments of engineered nanoscale materials recommend priority materials enable investment in the development of such materials Standards for Nano-EHS
Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) certified reference materials issued by NIST homogeneous, stable materials well-characterized for one or more chemical and/or physical properties assist laboratories worldwide in validating analytical measurements of chemical or physical composition range of compounds and physical characteristics for particle-related materials Hear about these tomorrow from Debbie Kaiser
Logistics breakfast and lunch provided here working dinner tonight: bus leaves lobby entrance at 1730 Facilitation: Energetics Inc. Joan Pellegrino, Melissa Eichner, Matt Antes, Katie Jereza, Lindsay Pack, Pamela de los Reyes, Howard Andres Technical Leads, Facilitators and Scribes present in the breakouts: Group A: Cross Cut Issues in Development of Standard Materials Group B: Materials for Occupational Exposure Group C: Materials for Environmental Fate and Transport Group D: Materials for Human & Ecological Health Rooms here and down the hall on left, signs on the doors Technical Leads and writing team on Friday Please sign up if here on Friday, writing team additions also sign Standards for Nano-EHS
Group A: Cross Cut Issues in Development of Standard Materials: Areas that impact multiple users and communities challenges in material considerations, experimental methods, production (sources, volumes); time scales or cost policy, international standards cooperation interagency collaboration, coordination; inter-laboratory comparisons Rick Canady (Session I), Dianne Poster (Session II/III), Mike Goreman and Wyatt Vreeland (Session IV) Group B: Materials for Occupational Exposure Reference materials for risk assessment, risk management, and characterization of nanoparticle exposure in the workplace materials for inhalation, ingestion, skin absorption, other routes materials to support international consensus standards for nanoparticle exposure Vladimir Murashov (Session I), Mark Hoover (Sessions II/IV), David Warheit (Session III) Standards for Nano-EHS
Group C: Materials for Environmental Fate and Transport assess environmental exposure to nanomaterials in air, water and soil determine fate and transport once released into the environment understand their subsequent behavior and fate mixing, dispersing, concentrating, agglomerating, decomposing, reacting, transformations John Small (Session I), Greg Lowry (Session II), Joel Pedersen (Session III), Pratim Biswas (Session IV) Group D: Materials for Human & Ecological Health assessment of the biological response to engineered nanoscale materials via environmental or non-incidental exposure to humans and other living systems (aquatic, plants, animals) understand effects on subcellular components, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, and whole organisms (e.g., bioaccumulation, toxicity) Justin Teeguarden (Session I), Vicki Colvin (Session II), Stephen Klaine (Session III), Nigel Walker (Session IV) Standards for Nano-EHS
8:35 am – 12:00 pm Session I: Approaches for Identifying Standard Materials Critical for Risk Assessment and Risk Management 8:35 am: Considerations for Selecting Materials for Understanding Risks of Nanomaterials - What is Necessary? Justin Teeguarden, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 9:00 am: Considerations for Selecting Standard Materials for Occupational Safety and Health Vladimir Murashov, National Institute for Occupational Health and Safety 9:25 am: Considerations for Nanomaterials in Environmental Fate and Transport Assessment Mark Wiesner, Duke University 9:50 am BREAK 10:05 am International Council on Nanotechnology (ICON) – Nanotechnology EH&S Research Needs Assessment toward Nanomaterial Classes Vicki Colvin, Rice University 10:30 am An Overview of REFNANO: A UK Initiative on Reference Materials for Engineered Nanoparticle Toxicology and Metrology Steven M. Hankin, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh UK 10:50 am Group Discussion: Approaches to identifying standard materials (key considerations, criteria) 12:00 pm LUNCH Standards for Nano-EHS- This Morning