Paris21 Meeting on Implementing the Busan Action Plan for Statistics New York, Saturday 25 February 2012, – 12.00, Conference Room DC A Regional Perspective in implementing the Busan Action Plan for Statistics in Small Island Developing States – observations from the Secretariat of the Pacific Community Gerald Haberkorn Manager, Statistics for Development Programme Secretariat of the Pacific Community Noumea, New Caledonia (
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Two general observations : Commend those involved in drafting this Plan for a comprehensive job well done. Document could have been even stronger with greater explicit strategic emphasis on improving traction: => how to address ongoing challenges of getting more policy- makers and planners to use (be required to use?) a growing range of available data.
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Context – Pacific Island region: Substantial statistical improvements over past 15 years: data collection (100% census participation in 2000, and 21 of 22 PICTs undertaking a population and housing census in the 2010 round), and growing number of countries undertaking comprehensive (and expensive) household surveys (DHS, HIES), gradual improvements in data quality and timeliness of release of statistics, greater accessibility to statistics (more user-friendly reports; easier access on NSO and SPC/PRISM websites).
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Making greater use of data by policy-makers and planners on the other hand, has not kept pace with recent statistical developments. Reasons vary from a lack of institutional/political demands to do so, to what appears to be still some general discomfort with numbers..
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Overriding challenge: Not just improve statistical literacy as highlighted in BAP Need to go one step further: assist in creating a more statistics-wise culture of “doing business” (key bottlenecks are not just outdated technologies or a lack of statistical awareness, but a political desire for/commitment to change)
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Action 1 Strengthen/refocus national and regional priorities emphasizing improving systems that address country-level development priorities. Key focus is on increased in-country capacity. Integrate international and domestic data collection activities
Action 1
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Action 2 Implement standards for data preservation, documentation and dissemination that permit full public access to statistics
Action 2
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Action 3 Develop programs to increase the knowledge and skills needed to use statistics effectively for planning, analysis, monitoring and evaluation, thus increasing transparency and accountability and improve accessibility of statistics at national and international levels.
Action 3
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Action 4 Build /retain results monitoring instruments to track outcomes of all global summits and high level forums Rigorous monitoring of global initiatives requires collaboration between national and international statistical organizations Recognize statistical capacity building, incl TA, and training
Action 4
Busan Action Plan for Statistics Action 5 Ensure financing for statistical information is robust and that funding instruments and approaches reflect new modalities and actors in development finance
Action 5
BAP Implementation – key criteria
BAP Implementation – remaining grey area