2020 Vision FRES Tech Committee Discussion Points for 3-5 IT Curriculum Map October 2007 Presentation modified from Community Leaders’ Breakfast
2020 VisionIntro The central themes of the articulated vision are: Safe, Healthy Environments Strong Starts Global Perspectives Active and Engaged Learning Effective Communication Individual Flexibility Collaborative Work Real World Applications
2020 VisionIntro The central themes of the articulated vision are: Safe, Healthy Environments Strong Starts Global Perspectives Active and Engaged Learning Effective Communication Individual Flexibility Collaborative Work Real World Applications
2020 VisionGlobal Perspectives Children of the 21st century are world citizens by default if not by design. Our intent is to recognize that reality by designing for it. The generation now in our classrooms was born into an era of global awareness, of instant communication, of multi-media and cross-cultural connection. They are part of a shrinking planet, a rapidly flattening world. They will live in a world in which they will be expected to interact and collaborate routinely with people from across the planet.
2020 VisionActive Learning Best practice in teaching and learning indicates that students who are actively engaged in constructing their own understandings about the world around them, who are participants in their learning rather than recipients of it, retain knowledge better and understand key concepts at a more fundamental and permanent level. In Brighton we believe that the student should be at the center of his or her learning and that the teacher’s role is to guide students toward discovery rather merely to passively present prescribed content. Active and Engaged Learning
2020 VisionActive Learning We will encourage discovery methods of teaching and learning and engage students in lively participation in meaningful, thought-provoking activity whenever possible. Simulations, role-playing, hands-on experimentation, group work, live data gathering and analysis, and similar activities that emphasize engagement in the construction of new knowledge on the part of the individual student will be the lesson designs rewarded and promoted in our system.
2020 VisionActive Learning In Brighton in 2020 we will expect to see students “doing” learning - reading, writing, thinking, communicating, manipulating and using data and technology as a means of constructing and communicating their learning to others, to their parents and to their teachers.
2020 VisionActive Learning Writing for presentation will be emphasized as a means of promoting careful and reflective thinking captured on paper, in print, or in other exposition. Project based learning tied to real-world problems, unrehearsed situations, and/or creative production will be normative across grade levels, departments and buildings.
2020 VisionTechnology Effective Communication The world is our classroom in 2020 and technology helps make that so. Students are no longer bound by location or time; knowledge is transmitted instantaneously, as are learning resources and opportunities. Teachers, students and their parents will use technology seamlessly in communicating expectations, strategies performance, and assessment.
2020 VisionTechnology Teacher lessons, units and instructional resources will be web-based and available asynchronously to students and parents throughout the school year and beyond. Computers, smartboards, media storage and projection, , blogs, podcasts, and other means of utilizing technology as a tool for inquiry, storage, exposition and reporting will be commonplace elements of communication between the teacher, the learner and the learner’s support network.
2020 VisionTechnology Students will have a running digital portfolio of their work stored on the district’s file servers, and will have an individualized plan of study and record accessible to teachers, counselors, support staff and parents, so that any students’ current and past performance is transparently available to all partners in the student’s success. Parents can expect to view classroom behavior and performance online with permissive access.
2020 VisionTechnology Student learning styles and preferences, as well as past performance indicators will be readily available to inform current teachers and support staff about strength-based opportunities for learning enhancement. Component retesting, repetition of specific units of study, lesson design for mastery and other means of differentiation of instruction for varying student needs will be enhanced through the application of technological resources.
2020 VisionTechnology Transparency in expectations and achievement will be commonplace. Clearly defined learning standards, objectives, performance indicators, and assessment results will inform instructional design and delivery. Distance learning, videotelephony and authentic research in online communities of learners across the globe will engage Brighton students in meaningful, real-world, applied tasks from which and in which they will learn.
2020 VisionCollaboration Collaborative Work Collaboration among students, among teachers, among the support team behind each student’s success, between the parent and the school, and between the school and its community, locally, nationally and internationally, is a hallmark trait of excellence in our vision for In our classrooms, students will be expected to work collaboratively with their peers in cooperative learning groups, on project based assignments, and in larger social settings, reflective of the expectations of the world of work in the 21st century in which project teams across disciplines and even continents is increasingly the norm.
2020 VisionCollaboration Within our schools, teachers will be expected to work in teams organized by student focus, grade level, content area, interdisciplinary theme, or other criteria designed to enhance student learning and effective instructional delivery. Teachers will work with other professionals and paraprofessionals in and out of the classroom in order to design and deliver differentiated instruction to meet the varied, multiple needs of their students. They will work collaboratively not only with their grade level and content area peers, but as well in vertical articulation with those who have had their students and those who will inherit them.
2020 VisionReal World Real World Applications In 2020 in Brighton learning design will focus on applicability of the anticipated learning to real world situations.
2020 VisionReal World Student motivation will be enhanced by the recognition that expected learning has value in direct application. Children learn important self-awareness and a sense of mastery, belonging, independence and generosity when they work together on issues of relevance. Technology enhances our ability to communicate with others, to work on live data sets, to understand how life is different and the same in far flung corners of the globe, and to recognize our impact on our community, both local and global.
2020 VisionCollaboration