Language Focus 1. 请告诉我飞往曼彻斯特的航班情况如何? Could you tell me about the flights to Manchester, please? 2. 去上海双飞的价格是多少? How much is the round-trip to Shanghai? 3. 超重需要付多少钱? What ’ s the charge for the excess weight? 4. 先生,请出示您的护照和签证。 May I see your passport and visa, please? 5. 登机时间是几点? What ’ s the boarding time? 6. 团体购票有打折优惠吗? Is there any discount for a group booking? 7. 去巴黎没有直飞的航班,你必须在荷兰转机。 There aren ’ t any direct flights to Paris, so you have to transfer in Netherlands. 8. 您的行李超重 4 公斤了。 Your luggage is 4 kilograms overweight.
9. 请问您在 12 月 24 日有空房间吗? Do you have any vacant rooms for December 24th? 10. 不好意思,我们的房间都满了。 Sorry, we are all booked up./ sorry, we are full. 11. 我可以预订 23 号早上去新加坡的航班吗? Can I make a reservation for a morning flight to Singapore on 23rd, please? 12. 我想订一张厦门航空航班号为 8203 去杭州的机票。 I ’ d like to book a ticket on Xiamen Airline Flight 8203 to Hangzhou. 13. 你可以过关了,祝你愉快。 You are through now. Have a pleasant stay. 14. 您是想要单人间还是双人间?豪华房还是标准间? Would you like a single room or a double room, deluxe or standard? 15. 我们已经帮您预留了 1606 房间。 We have a room booked for you, Room 我可以用信用卡支付吗? Can I pay by credit card?
Part Ⅱ Listening Practice Task 2 New Words and Expressions: reservation (n.) reserve (v.) without reservation 毫无保留,毫不踌躇地 registration (n.) 登记,注册 registry (n.) 登记处,注册处 register (n.) (v.) 登记(簿),登记,注册,记录 registered (adj.) 已注册的,已挂号的,等记过的 registrable 可登记的,可注册的,可挂号的 fasten (v.) 扎紧,关紧,系牢,扣住 (opp.) unfasten e.g. The door fastens with a hook. declare (v.) 申报(征税物品) declaration (n.) declaredly (adv.) 公然地
1. Listen to five short conversations, then decide where they take place. Conversation (1):_________________________ Conversation (2):_________________________ Conversation (3): ________________________ Conversation (4): ________________________ Conversation (5): ________________________ in a taxi at a hotel on an airplane at customs in a booking office
2. Listen to another five short conversations and fill in the blanks. Conversation (1) reserve a room check for rather full Conversation (2) ticket and passport boarding pass tags Conversation (3) Room service plain black Conversation (4) declare subject to belongings Conversation (5) check out comes to receipt
Part Ⅲ Follow-up Practice 1. Listen to a conversation at the check-in counter, then complete the chart below. Seat: _________________________________________________ Pieces of luggage to check:_______________________________ Luggage allowance: _____________________________________ Luggage weight: ________________________________________ Excessive luggage charge:________________________________ Boarding gate:__________________________________________ Boarding time:__________________________________________ Seats C and D in Row 12 (window seat) two 20 kilos per passenger 26 kilos US 24$ Gate 7 now
2. Listen to the following announcements that are broadcast at the airport. Pay attention to the flight numbers, department times and boarding gate numbers, then write them in the blanks. AirlinesDestination Flight numbers Departure time Boarding gate TWA New York Gate ______ British Airways Los Angeles Gate ______ Aer Lingus Dublin Gate ______ British Airways Tokyo Gate ______ East African Airlines Washington Gate ______ IberiaMadrid British Airways Frankfurt, Athens and Karachi Gate ______ TWA flight 695 BA 565 AL 231 BA 885 EA 821 IE 221 BA :00 10:25 12:30
Part Ⅳ Video 1 Going through customs New Words and Expressions: associate (n.) (v.) associated (adj.) 联合的 association (n.) 协会,社团 dutiable (adj.) dutiful (adj.) 恭敬的,恭顺的 dutifully (adv.) 忠实地,忠贞地 dutifulness (n.) 忠实,顺从 duty-paid 已缴税的 declare 申报(征税物品) trade fair 贸洽会 four packs of cigarettes 四包香烟
Watch the video. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). _______ (1) George goes abroad to travel for pleasure. _______ (2) George will stay in that country for about seven days. _______ (3) George has been invited to attend an exposition. _______ (4) George has got three pieces of luggage. _______ (5) George has to pay duty on his laptop computer. _______ (6) George is carrying five packs of cigarettes, and they are duty-free. _______ (7) Articles for commercial use are subject to duty. _______ (8) The value of articles for personal use should be within the limit. F T F F F F T T business trade fair one suitcase one bag duty-free four
Watch the video again and answer the following questions. 1. What ’ s the purpose of George ’ s business trip? 2. What is George ’ s luggage? 3. What is inside George ’ s bag? He has been invited by his business associates to attend a trade fair. One suitcase and one bag. His laptop computer. Goods for personal use rather than commercial use are not subject to duty. 个人用品不需要征税,而商业用品需要征税。 They are within the limit. 他们都在限制的范围之内。
Part Ⅴ Follow-up Practice 1. Answer the following questions briefly according to what you hear. (1) Q: When does the guest want to have the room? A: ____________________________________ (2) Q: Is there any vacant single room in the hotel? A: ____________________________________ (3) Q: How will the guest pay his bill? A: ____________________________________ (4) Q: What kind of room is the male speaker booking? A: ____________________________________ (5) Q: What kind of service is the male speaker asking for? A: ____________________________________ (6) Q: How long does the laundry service take? A: ____________________________________ (7) Q: What ’ s the price difference between a single room with garden view and a similar room with a rear view? A: ____________________________________ From January 15 th to 18 th. No, there isn’t. By credit card. He is booking a small conference room. He is asking for a wake-up call for tomorrow morning. Approximately 8 hours. The price for a single room with garden view is US$150, and that for a similar room with rear room is US $125.
Video 2 Making a room reservation 2. Watch the video again, pay attention to the details of the booking, and then fill in chart below. Name Arrival date Departure date Length of stay Room description (e.g. front view or rear view, etc) Room facilities Services offered John Smith 23 rd of this month 25 th of this month 2 nights with side view overlooking a quiet street color TV, and IDD telephone, a computer with internet access, air conditioning room service, wake-up call, laundry, dry-cleaning, translation ticketing purchase, etc.
Sentences of the video: Let me check whether there are any vacancies. We ’ re fully booked till the end of the month due to the trade fair. I ’ m sorry we can ’ t help you on this occasion. I wonder if you have any rooms available. A single room with a private bath overlooking the park, preferably. How about a room with a side view? What services come with that? It ’ s hot these days, and my boss kind of hates being too hot. That ’ s all settled then.