The Growth of God’s Kingdom St. Peter Worship Sunday, June 21 st
Welcome to St. Peter! The growth of God’s kingdom is a miracle as is the creating of faith in Jesus through the Holy Spirit. May the Gospel heard today in worship fill us with joy and peace as it brings strength to our souls that God’s kingdom may flourish.
Welcome to St. Peter! There are friendship registers at the end of each row. Please take a moment to give us your information so that we have a record of your time with us today. Thank you!
For Our Guests If you have questions, let us try to help. Speak with an usher, greeter, or the person next to you. If you’d like to learn more about St. Peter and its ministry, please talk to a pastor or member after the service.
Need to Know what’s going on? Our church website has the info you need right at your fingertips Check the church calendar. Sign up for seminars or events. Get access to devotions, sermons, and more.
Prayer before Worship O God, whose unfailing nurture provides for everything in heaven and earth, take away from us whatever is harmful, and give us whatever leads to our spiritual well-being; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Please be courteous and silence all pagers and cell phones. Thank you
Slam the Summer Slump! Place service folders from other WELS congregations you visit this summer on the bulletin board in the church entry
Hmong Gospel Outreach Pastor Hue Yang will be our guest preacher June 24, 26, & 27. He will give a presentation on the Wausau area WELS Hmong Ministry between services on Sunday. A free will door offering will be gathered after all services to support his ministry.
Sunday JAM Coordinator Needed Volunteer needed to organize lessons, personnel & oversee the Sunday JAM program. Please see Pastor D, Mark Frailing or Debbie Price for more information
Job Opportunities at NLHS For details, please call Ryan Wiechmann at Administrative Assistant Bus Driver Cook
VBS 2015 July Register online
St. Peter Youth In Action Hamburger/Hot Dog/Brat Fry Gander Mountain June 20-21