Registration Report SP 2008 Registration Chair: David Du 05/19/2008
Registrations by Category IEEE members Non- members Students IEEE members Non- members Students Total Key: EarlyLate
Distribution of Regions 2008USEuropeAsiaCanada IEEE members Non-members Students
Distribution of Registrations IEEE members 26.89%35.5%27%24%32%22% Non- members 13.10%21.4%18% 20%17% Students 33.79%21.4%23%28%22%19% IEEE members 8.27%8.9%11% 9%17% Non- members 8.96%4.8%11%10%7%14% Students 8.96%8.0%11%10% 11% Key: EarlyLate
Other Measures Total registrations Number of papers Number of authors Registrations/pap er Registrations/aut hor
W2SP Registration IEEE members 2223 Non-members 2917 Total 5140 (Full)
SADFE Registration 2008 IEEE members 15 Non-members 13 Total 28
Discussion Issues We are approaching to the conference room capacity of 300 The number of non-student registrations reduces gradually (175 in 2007 and 166 in 2008) The number of international participants is rather small