ALGAE Výukový materiál OR Tvůrce: Mgr. Alena Výborná Tvůrce anglické verze: Mgr. Miloslava Dorážková Projekt: S anglickým jazykem do dalších předmětů Registrační číslo: CZ.1.07/1.1.36/ Tento projekt je spolufinancován ESF a SR ČR
ALGAE Algae and blue-green algae are the oldest organisms on our planet Autotrophic Photosynthesis oxygen into the atmosphere An eukaryotic type of a cell The simplest plants They mainly occur in water (freshwater, seawater), humid soil
ALGAE They are an important part of food of aquatic animals Some of them occur even on dry land (humid places) a green cover on soil or bark A diverse cell structure and a way of life They differ in: ▫Size ▫Colour ▫Body structure (a thallus)
ALGAE SIZE microscopic unicellular multicellular up to 50 m COLOUR green red brown THALLUS unicellular multicellular fibrous
GREEN ALGAE Predecessors of more developed plants Seawater, freshwater and humid places Some of them move thanks to flagellas
GREEN ALGAE Chlorophyceae ▫Unicellular ▫Without a flagellum Chlorophyta ▫Unicellular ▫Humid places
GREEN ALGAE Euglena ▫Unicellular ▫Has a flagellum ▫Mixotrophic (performs photosynthesis + accepts dissolved organic substances from the surroundings) Volvox globator ▫Unicellular ▫Has a flagellum ▫Makes colonies
Volvox globator A colony of a volvox globator
Euglena A stigma Chloroplasts A nucleus A flagellum
MULTICELLULAR ALGAE They are divided into several sections They differ in: ▫Thallus structure ▫Way of reproduction ▫Way of life
MULTICELLULAR ALGAE They occur on rock coasts or freely in the sea: ▫Brown algae ▫Red algae Some of them grow into big sizes Usage : ▫Feed ▫Food ▫Essences from algae are used for treatments
MULTICELLULAR ALGAE The largest brown algae are: FUCUS (SEAWEED) In our country there occur these green fungi: SPIROGYRA (a spiral chloroplast) CLADOPHORA
MULTICELLULAR ALGAE – Thalli of sea algae visible just by an eye – red algae and seaweed
REVISION: 1) Why are algae so important for us? 2) Where do algae occur? 3) The largest green algae are called: 4) Which alga makes colonies?
Source: DOBRORUKA, Luděk J. Přírodopis pro 7. ročník základní školy. 1. vyd. Praha: Scientia, 1998, 152 s. ISBN