Instructional Plan Template | Slide 1 AET/515 Instructional Plan Advanced Enterprise Java Platform Class and Lab Mark K. Reha
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 2 Needs Assessment 1.What is the learning problem or opportunity? An advanced Enterprise Java Platform design and programming class needs to be put in place by Universities or Community College Computer Science programs. 2.What is currently available? A search of the top bachelor and masters computer science programs showed that only introductory Java and Enterprise Java programming classes are available for students. 3.What should be available? A class should be made available with advanced topics for the Enterprise Java Platform. Advanced topics need to include instruction on the design of N-Tier applications and best practices. 4.Explain the gap analysis between what is available and what should be available. Students are only taught the Java platform fundamentals, which do not prepare the student properly for entry level programming positions in the Information Technology or Software Engineering industries. 5.What is your recommended solution for filling the gap? Prepare a 2 semester curriculum of classroom lectures and labs that focus on advanced topics of the Enterprise Java Platform to prepare a student how to design and development a web application.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 3 Instructional Goal After completing the Enterprise Java Platform program the student will be able to properly design an N-Tier web application leveraging the Enterprise Java Platform. The students will be introduced to industry best practices, technology frameworks, and a design and development methodology that will enable the students to properly model, design, build, and test a modern web application leveraging the Enterprise Java Platform. The student will demonstrate the following learning goals via hands on lab classes: Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the Enterprise Java Platform. Demonstrate how to design and build presentation components leveraging JSF, Facelets, and AJAX using event driven design methodology. Demonstrate how to design and build business services leveraging EJB3 or SpringBeans using use case driven design methodology. Demonstrate how to design and build persistence components leveraging JPA using use case driven design methodology. Demonstrate how to design, build, and test of complete web application using a real world Use Case Study to drive the business requirements.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 4 Performance-Based Objectives The Software Engineer will be introduced via classroom instruction to the core principles and best practices for modeling and designing a web application leveraging the Enterprise Java Platform. 1.Students will demonstrate they understand the history of the Java Platform. 2.Students will demonstrate the ability to model and design Presentation Tier components. 3.Students will demonstrate the ability to model and design Business Tier service components. 4.Students will demonstrate the ability to model and design Persistence Tier components.. 5.Students will demonstrate the core fundamentals and best practices for building a N-Tier web applications. 6.The Student will demonstrate how to model, design, and build an application based on the Use Case Study and demonstrate to the class their design, participate in a code review, and show their web application “in action”.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 5 Summative Assessment and Learning Outcomes The computer science student will be evaluated in their knowledge of the Enterprise Java Platform. The learning outcomes will be measured through a series of classroom tests and by having the student design and build an actual web application in a lab environment. Part of the students grade will also include presenting the class with a design review of their web application and by completing peer code reviews of other students web application lab work.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 6 Learner Characteristics The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform computer science class will consist of students. The students will be taught in both a classroom setting and a hands on lab setting. Prerequisite classes for the student needs to include Object Orientated principles, an introductory Java Programming language class, and an introductory class on the Enterprise Java Platform (Servlets, JSP, HTML, etc). The students must have access to a modern PC running Windows XP (or later), Mac OSX 10.5 (or later), or Linux Ubunto (or like distribution) and have access to the Internet.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 7 The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform class will be taught in both a classroom setting and a lab setting. The class will not be offered via an online classroom setting. The student must have a modern PC that is capable of running the design and development tools. The student must have access to the Internet. The classroom setting will include typical instructor led lectures that will introduce the student to the history of the Enterprise Java Platform and also the proper foundational background and best practices for building a N-Tier web application. The learning foundation introduced in the classroom environment will be used to design and build an actual web application based on a real world Use Case Study in a lab environment. The lab environment will be taught using instructors and lab assistants. Learning Context
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 8 Delivery Modality The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform class will be taught in both a classroom setting and a lab setting. The class will not be offered via an online classroom setting. Delivery of for the classroom and lab instruction will be from instructor-led courses and be synchronous learning environments.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 9 Instructional Strategies (1) The following lectures and instructional content will be required for the classroom: Lecture: Introduction and history of the Enterprise Java Platform Lecture: Design and development tools Lecture: Design, development, and best practices for Presentation Components Lecture: Design, development, and best practices for Business Service Components Lecture: Design, development, and best practices for Persistence Components Lecture: Additional industry resources and information
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 10 Instructional Strategies (2) The following lectures and instructional content will be required for the lab: Lecture: Introduction to a real world Use Case Study Lecture: Walkthrough of the design of the Use Case Study Lecture: How to deliver a design and code reviews to peers Student Lab: Design and development of the Use Case Study Student Lab: Student presentation of design review Student Lab: Peer code reviews with classroom students Student Lab: Demonstration of a running Use Case Study
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 11 Plan for Implementation (1) The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform instructor-led class will be executed over a 16 week semester. Introduction and History of the Enterprise Java Platform – 1 week Design and development tools – 1 week Design and development Presentation Components – 4 weeks Design and development Business Components – 4 weeks Design and development Persistence Components – 4 weeks Additional resources and information – 1 week Final exam – 1 week An instructor will be required for the class. The students will be provided all materials via handouts. Because this is an advanced course, and such a course has not been previously offered at the university, senior level computer science students wishing to learn advanced topics of the Enterprise Java Platform will initially be offered the opportunity to take this class on a voluntary basis.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 12 Plan for Implementation (2) The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform instructor-led hands on lab course will be executed over a 16 week semester. Introduction to the Use Case Study – 1 week Installation to the design and development tools – 1 week Design and development of the Use Case Study – 12 weeks Design and code review presentations – 1 week Final exam (via demonstration of web application) – 1 week An instructor and lab assistant will be required for the class. The students will be provided all materials via handouts and all the tools on a CD/DVD. Prior to the class the Use Case Study will need to be defined and implemented. The Use Case Study will be defined and implemented by the instructor with the possible aid of a lab assistant.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 13 Instructional Resources The Advanced Enterprise Java Platform course will require the following materials to develop the course content and lab materials: Modern PC with 2G Hz. dual core CPU with 2G Ram running Mac OSX 10.5 or later. Microsoft Word Access to the Internet Tools: Eclipse, Glashfish v2 Application Server, MySQL 5.0 Projector and whiteboard for lectures Lab environment capable of holding students Copies of all lecture materials CD/DVD with all the binary installers for the tools required for the class
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 14 Formative Assessment The following five formative assessment strategies will be incorporated into the implementation of the instructional plan. 1.Did all the lectures get authored? 2.Did the Use Case Study get authored? 3.Did an example design of the Use Case Study get completed? 4.Did an example implementation of the Use Case Study get completed? 5.Did all the design and development tools get installed properly?
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 15 Because this is an advanced course, and such a course has not been previously offered at the university, senior level computer science students wishing to learn advanced topics of the Enterprise Java Platform will initially be offered the opportunity to take this class on a voluntary basis. A student survey (using a Likert scale) will be delivered to these students to measure the effectiveness of the class. The survey will focus on measuring whether the students learned the necessary foundation principles and best practices to build modern N-Tier web applications. Careful evaluation of all design and code artifacts will also be completed on the Use Case Study lab work. Evaluation Strategies
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 16 Outcome Review Design Goals (measured with classroom tests): Students understand the history of the Enterprise Java Platform. Students understand how to leverage JSF, Facelets, and AJAX to build Presentation components. Students understand how to build Business Service components using EJB3 or SpringBeans. Students understand how to build Persistence Service components using JPA. Design Goals (measured with lab exercises): Students can design and build a N-Tier web application from a Use Case Study that defines business requirements and non functional requirements for the web application.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 17 Recommendations Possible future recommendations and enhancement for this course may include: Advanced options for building Presentation Components. This may include the inclusion of instruction for using JSF component libraries, such as JBoss RichFaces, ICEFaces, etc. Other topics might include advanced use of AJAX and other RIA technologies. Advanced options for building Business Service Components. This may include the inclusion of instruction on Service Orientated Architecture (SOA) principles, practical use of dependency injection, and knowledge of exception handling best practices. Advanced options for building Persistence Service Components. This may include the inclusion of instruction on Object Relational Mapping (ORM), record locking best practices, performance tuning, and knowledge of exception handling best practices. This course needs to be continuously re-evaluated to ensure that changes in industry trends and technology shifts are accounted for and any necessary changes in the curriculum be considered to account for these changes.
Instructional Plan Template | Slide 18 References U.S. News and World Report. (2009, June 27). Best Graduate Schools. Retrieved June 27, 2009 from GRE Guide. (2009, June 27). GRE College Guide. Retrieved June 27, 2009 from Anonymous. (2009). Wikipedia.“History of Java EE Platform”, Retrieved September 6, 2009 from Cable, Larry. (2009). Sun JavaOne Presentation. “Server Side Java: What’s Next?”, Retrieved September 6, 2009 from Java Programming Training - Sun Microsystems Classes. (2009, June 27). Retrieved June 27, 2009 from Sun Microsystems – Training Course Catalog. (2009, June 27). Retrieved June 27, 2009 from