Baker College Curriculum Design Tier III
Curriculum Tier Professional Development Tier I – (required) Develop an understanding of Baker’s curriculum process. Tier II- (required) Apply UbD concepts in developing a class lesson plan. Tier III – (optional) Professional development for future Curriculum Tier Champions (you are here).
Review of Tiers I & II Modules Traditional Curriculum vs UbD Curriculum UbD Stage 1 –Goal –Big Ideas –Essential Questions –Knows & Dos Curriculum Mapping Bloom’s Taxonomy Rigor and Relevance SLOs and Enabling Objectives (EOs)
Review Analyzed instructional activities using Bloom’s Taxonomy. Applied the Rigor & Relevance Framework within the curriculum to maximize student learning. Explored different essential components to a lesson plan. Identified the purpose of a lesson plan. Applied UbD concepts to a class lesson plan.
Objectives Develop curriculum that meets your SLOs and fosters critical thinking Participate in redesign & development of curriculum Coach & mentor others in using & developing curriculum
Developing Curriculum
Activities are often complex and require students to often come up with solutions that lead to deeper understanding of concepts and knowledge Learning experiences are high in rigor and relevance and require unique solutions to unpredictable problems Experiences focus on recall or basic knowledge Activities provide definite opportunities for students to apply knowledge, typically to a real-world situation
Rigor & Relevance Activity Plot the SLOs and EOs of your chosen course on your blank Rigor and Relevance chart.
Curriculum Mapping
Review With a partner discuss the process for developing curriculum: –Identify the process –Identify the necessary tools
Individually reflect on one of your most recent formal learning experience(s) that was facilitated by a teacher/guide/instructor/leader. –What did the facilitator do that maximized the experience for you? –Write your thoughts down on a piece of scratch paper. What Makes an Effective Facilitator?
In small groups generate a list of characteristics of effective facilitators Narrow your list to 3 characteristics Be prepared to report out What Makes an Effective Facilitator?
Tier facilitation –Groups of 3-5 –Facilitate Tier II –Give and receive feedback using PQS Discussion of Curriculum Tier Champion roles and responsibilities Overview of Afternoon
In small groups: –Determine what role each group member will have in the facilitation of your tier. –Divide your group’s assigned portion up in a way that makes most sense to your group. –Prepare to facilitate your colleagues through your tier assignment. Tier Professional Development Facilitation Practice
Providing Feedback 3 Characteristics of Effective Facilitators P-Praise Q-Question S-Suggest
Facilitate face to face Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III Curriculum professional development modules for your campus colleagues as appropriate (this will be defined between you and your CAO) Coach and mentor your colleagues across your campus in curriculum use, understanding, and design best practices. Act as a liaison and a champion between your campus and the System Effective Teaching and Learning Department and the Instructional Design Department. Support continuous quality of improvement of these tiered Professional development modules. Champion Roles and Responsibilities