K: Plantae = The Land Plants
What is a plant? Multicellular autotroph? With complex tissues?
And blue pigment, phycocyanin
From green algae - early clues Chlorophylls Carotenoids & other pigments Starch Cellulose
Alternation of generation
From Charophycean green algae 1. rosette terminal complexes (RTCs) in plasma membrane for making cellulose 2. Special peroxisomal enzymes for toxic oxygen products
chlorophytescharophytes/land plants From Charophycean green algae 3. Type of flagellar root base 4. phragmoplasts (for cytokinesis) (4 bundles) microtubules
Charophycean algae retain zygote
Alternation of generation mitosis
Walled spores made in sporangium/ia Gametes made in gametangium/ia Male: antheridium/ia Female: archegonium/ia
Apical meristems
Non-vascular plants
Moss life cycle
Plants (gametophytes) can be hermaphroditic/bisexual monoecious dioecious Plants (sporophytes) can be homosporous heterosporous
Cuticle with flavonoids Rhizoids Air pore Major innovations
P: Bryophyta = mosses Sphagnum
P: Hepatophyta = liverworts
P: Anthocerophyta = hornworts
Seedless vascular plants xylem phloem
P: Lycopodiophyta
stems rhizoids Early vascular plant (fossil): Rhynia
First leaves
P: Lycopodiophyta Lycopodium = ground pine/cedar homosporous
Selaginella = spike moss heterosporous
heterosporous too
P: Pteridophyta = ferns Azolla = mosquito fern
Fern life cycle indusium
Innovations/ changes
“Big” leaves
croziers = fiddleheads
Horsetails = scouring rushes