CR TOOLKIT WORKSHOP Development Opportunity Ranking (DOR) ref ICMM CDToolkit#9 Trainer: Robert Laua 16 Aug, 2013 CR Conference Room, Tabubil
Presentation Outline 1.0Overview 2.0 Assessment steps 3.0Ranking Criteria 4.0Identifying overlapping Regional Frameworks of Interest 5.0Group exercises and presentations 6.0Discussions and conclusions 1.0Overview 2.0 Assessment steps 3.0Ranking Criteria 4.0Identifying overlapping Regional Frameworks of Interest 5.0Group exercises and presentations 6.0Discussions and conclusions 2
Overview What is Development Opportunity Ranking? It is a planning tool It involves a two step approach of assessment and planning processes It involves members of a community identifying their major development priorities or concerns and than assess the best opportunities for achieving changes 3
Five Assessment Steps 1.Initiate meeting with community leaders Contact villages or communities through someone known to the community e.g. a ward councilor Discuss and evaluate existing interest and capacity in the community to participate in CD planning activities. If this exist then make plans to conduct the exercise. 2.Development opportunity identification ( small groups) Begins with community coming together but if segregation is require then facilitate Questions are asked to individuals and families before the village view is discussed and agreed. Questions can be What is most important for the future of your family? What are the priority development needs for your community? 4
Five Assessment Steps - Cont 3.Community level development opportunity consensus Consensus from each small group is shared with other participants in a plenary session and development opportunities are discussed collectively and prioritized for the village or community Community by consensus decide on the top 5 or 10 development priorities 4.Development opportunity ranking Following on from step 3 the community will have a list of projects or opportunities they want to pursue addressing the same development topic or a varied group. Not all of these opportunities will be addressed by the community themselves in the short, medium or long term. Therefore it is best to develop a set of criteria to use to assess the opportunities for each development themes. 5
Five Assessment Steps - Cont 5.Identifying overlapping regional framework of interest – follow-up session For the development of an overall community development plan, in which the community and other development partners agree upon an integrated program of development for a future period of time. Partner will decide their relative frameworks of interests. For the communities this will be the priority development areas/needs identified as part of previous exercise. 6
Community Ranking Criteria SustainabilityCan the community keep the project running by itself, after outside assistance is gone? ProductivityWill the project substantially increase the availability of needed resources? EquitabilityWill the project benefit a broad cross- section of the community? CostWill large amounts of external funding be needed? Community contribution Will the community be able and willing to contribute to the project ( normally through an in-kind contribution) Technical feasibilityDoes the project require specialized expertise both to start and maintain? Social/cultural acceptability Does the project fit within the community norms? Time neededWill it take a long time for the community to reap the benefits of the project? Key 0 - Nil 1 - Low 2 - Average 3 - High 7
Overlapping Regional Framework StepActionDescription 1Community framework of interest Top priority development opportunities identified by the community during step 4 2Regional stakeholders ‘ framework of interest Company /government/NGO framework of interest 3Identify overlapping frameworks of interest Compare community and others framework of interests and identify overlapping interests several chosen to be developed as Community Action Plans ( tool 16). 8
Government Interest NGO/CBO interests Company interest Overlapping Regional Framework of Interest - Cont o Community interest 9 Overlapping framework of interest Overlapping framework of interest