Warring City States – Guided Reading 5.2 After conquering the Messenians the Spartans forced them to work as peasants The Messenians Revolt and are put down by the Spartans resulting in reforms The first legal code is written and the Athenians avoided major political upheaval by applying strong, highly-disciplined military state Solon is chosen by Aristocrats to Govern Athens – He outlaws slavery, allowed all citizens to participate in the assembly Cleisthenes attempts to create a limited democracy in Athens by allowing all citizens to introduce laws, created Council of Five Hundred chosen by lot to counsel assembly Athenians defeat Persians in battle at Marathon – by strict discipline, training and heavy armor Greeks defeat the remaining Persian Army – ended the Persian threat and emergence of golden age of Athens
5.3 Democracy and Greece’s Golden Age Pericles goals for Athens Strengthen Democracy Increasing the number of paid public officials He took several steps to glorify Athens Strong navy Overseas trade Bought expensive building materials Hired artisans to create works of classical art
The Greeks Invented Drama Greek Tragedies Love Hate War Betrayal Comedies Discussed and accepted criticism of their ideas Behavior of men and women Customs specific to men and women Politics
Greek Philosophers search for truth Plato Ideal Society Divided into three groups (farmers, artisans/ warriors and ruling class) The person in the ruling class with the greatest insight and intellect would be a philosopher/king Legacy of Aristotle Scientific Method