Milly Rawlings Library Director Baylor School Chattanooga, TN Susan Timmons Circulation Librarian Harpeth Hall School Nashville, TN
Managing E-Readers Why do you need an E-reader? Copyright Concerns: Staying legal Acquisitions: Getting an E-reader Content: Getting stuff on your E-reader Overdrive public library ebooks Cataloging: Finding your E-reader Circulation: Getting your E-reader back
Do you need an E-reader? Download Kindle apps on your library desktops or student computers
Do you need an E-reader? Or Nook apps, if you prefer…
Do you need an E-reader? Read ebooks with Adobe Digital Editions
So Why Get an E-reader?
The ebook wave is coming… Learn to swim now!
How to choose?
Acquisitions: Getting an E-reader Money-Saving Tip! Ask faculty and parents to donate old e-readers! Ask PTA for donations or gift cards
New Kindles Announced Sept. 28th
Our E-reader Journeys Harpeth Hall started in 2009 with two donated Amazon kindles that were only loaned out to faculty. Now we have eight that we loan to grades 7-12 and we’re planning to buy several more in November. Baylor School…
Visit the EduKindle Ning!
Meet Buffy Hamilton!
6:1 model VS. 1:1 model What’s the problem?
Copyright Concerns WE ARE NOT LAWYERS!
Cautious Carlos ~ Not lending e-readers. Public domain ebooks on desktops. ~ Lending e-readers, but only with public domain ebooks. ~ Lending e-readers, purchasing ebooks on a 1:1 model ~ Lending e-readers, purchasing ebooks on a 6:1 model Confident Charlotte
Acquisitions: Amazon Kindle Create a new Amazon account with a unique address Plan to purchase no more than six devices for your library on each account – 6:1 model If your devices will provide student textbooks, use a unique account for each device – 1:1 model
Acquisitions: B&N Nook Educator’s Account Pay with a Purchase Order Local B&N employees can register & deliver your devices OR Use a credit card online Use a gift card online
Registering your device
Managing Your Devices
Getting Content on the E-reader Buy the book Select “Manage Your Kindle”
Wireless Delivery Click the Actions drop-down and choose “Deliver to my…”
Wireless Delivery Choose your devices Make sure the wireless is on!
Download via USB
Downloading Documents
Citation Document created by Harpeth Hall Librarian Donna Clark, loaded on Kindles.
Acquisitions: Managing Payments
Acquisitions: Processing Invoices Tax Exempt Status
Visit the Amazon website for tips on how to get free ebooks for your kindle
Free Public Domain Books!
Regional eBook & Audiobook Download System
Nashville Public Library
“Checking Out” an Overdrive Ebook
Overdrive can send ebooks wirelessly directly to your Library Amazon account
Tricia Bengel can authorize an “Educator’s Card” so you don’t have to check out public library ebooks on your personal card (currently for MNPS librarians) Noel Rutherford at Nashville Public Library sees no problem with putting library ebooks onto ereaders you loan out to students “Checking Out” an Overdrive Ebook
Cataloging Your E-reader Harpeth Hall uses one MARC record with six operating devices as “copies” on the same record.
Cataloging Your Ereader
Cataloging Your E-Reader
Cataloging Your Ereader The Kindle record displays after a title, author or keyword search.
Cataloging Your eBooks Same record? 1.Keep track of which eBooks are on what E-reader 2.Catalog search for title or author will display E-reader 3.No fake holds or fake barcodes to maintain Separate record? 1.More technically correct to have separate eBook record 2.If eBook is part of book MARC record, can place holds by title…but have to match to device! 3.Will have to assign “fake” barcodes to keep up with at inventory time
Circulating E-readers Who? Who can get an E-reader? What? What can they access? Where? Where do they get it? When? When do they return it? What if? What if they lose or break it?
E-reader Accessories Device Cover “How to use” pamphlet Power cable for charging? Bag for carrying everything?
Circulating your E-readers Baylor School’s Loan Agreement Letter to Parents
Circulating your E-readers
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