April Rogers ITEC 7132 Fall 2007
The school serves over 1600 students who come from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Table 1: Table 1 shows the ethnic composition of the student body during the school year. EthnicityPercentage of Students White78% Black11% Asian/South Pacific9% Hispanic2% Other1%
Most of the students come from that are middle to upper middle class families. However, 14% of the students were identified as Economically Disadvantaged (LHS Annual Report). This number of Economically Disadvantaged students is steadily increasing.
Lakeside is a part of a suburban community in Columbia County, Georgia. The school is positioned on twenty-five acres of land in Evans, Georgia. There are many subdivisions surrounding the school. Most of the students that attend Lakeside live within a 7 mile radius of the school (LHS Annual Report).
Most of the parents in the Lakeside district view education as a priority and thus support Lakeside tremendously. The school and the parents have maintained high expectations for the students. Lakeside is known for its strong academic focus and dedicated parental involvement
As a result of the teacher and parent dedication to education, the school has been awarded the Georgia School of Excellence Award three times (1993, 1999, and 2005). Parents and families are drawn to Columbia County because of the reputation of the schools, including Lakeside High School.
Photo Tour This is the main entrance to the media center from the commons area. The commons area is a large area in the center of the school. It is a very accessible location to students and teachers.
Photo Tour As you enter through the main entrance, this is the view of the media center. The reference materials are to the right and a small reading area is to the left. The exit on the other side of the room is for faculty only. Students only enter through the commons area.
Photo Tour As you enter the Media Center, you walk past this sitting area for students. The chairs are not very comfortable.
Photo Tour If you take a right as you enter the media center, you’ll walk past the fiction books to this corner. This is an area of concern because of the limited visibility in the corner. When standing at the circulation desk, you cannot see in these hidden corners.
Photo Tour These short book shelves are in the center of the room. I like that they are functional while allowing optimal visibility for monitoring students.
Photo Tour Here are the non-fiction stacks at the far end of the room. Again, notice the hidden corners.
Photo Tour These are the computer tables in the media center. There are six computers per table. There was one student complaint that there wasn’t enough work space at these stations.
Photo Tour This is the view from the faculty entrance at the other side of the room. Notice the “Career Center” to the right. One complaint that our media specialist has is that she wishes she had this space to use for computer lab or work room for students.
Photo Tour This is inside the Career Center. Half of the space is used as an office and the other half is used as a conference room as needed. The partition can be pulled to separate the office area from the conference area. There is one computer inside for student use with the career specialist.
Photo Tour This is the view from the media specialist’s office. There are windows surrounding the office. I think it has good visibility, however the papers taped on the window block the view. Two media specialists share this space.
Photo Tour This is the work room. There is a poster maker, laminator, and random computer parts in this room. I’ve never really done much work in this room. The media specialists primarily use the equipment in this room.
Photo Tour This is the other side of the work room.
Photo Tour This is the storage closet for the media specialist. They keep equipment, videos, old periodicals, and educational games in this space. It is very cluttered and difficult to walk through. You have to constantly walk around carts with equipment to get to the videos and periodicals.
Corners with high shelves that limit visibility Workspace for more than one class at a time in the main media center Storage room clutter Comfortable space for students to read leisurely
Mirrors in corners where there is poor visibility.
Rearrange the work area to provide space for another class on the other side of the reference books.
Add a student book drop by the doors to relieve congestion at the circulation desk.
Book Drop
Reorganize workspace and storage room. Place the carts with equipment that can be checked out towards the back of the room so the isles are not blocked. Shelving Empty Carts Place equipment on shelves here. Door
Renovate the leisure reading area for students. Newer and more comfortable furniture New Rug and Coffee Tab le og/products/ alog/products/S
Columbia County Board Policy and Procedures for Media Programs VII: Utilization and Organization A. Accessibility – The school library media specialist organizes and facilitates an a physical environment designed specifically to meet the learning and information needs of students, teachers, and others with a variety of educational and informational resources that provide access to information both within the school and in the local, regional, and global communities. B. Organization – All library media resources shall be organized for effective and efficient use.
Lakeside Policy: Students are not permitted to bring book bags into the library.
For a review of these policies please see the attached WORD document. Thank you!