Increase the potential in learning when using iPads. This is not about the best reading book app to use but how to use the iPad as a teaching tool, an independent or collaborative tool, and a creative tool. Find out how I used iPads in a 2 week teaching experience with a 1-1 class and hear about how other teachers are using them in their rooms. Creative ways to use iPads in Reading and Writing © Jacqui Sharp 2013
iPad and iPod Touch
iPad only
iPad only z/2012/11/starting- younger-children- reflecting.html
iPad only
odsdevicesine ducation.blogs 3/01/create- multimedia- book-with- book- creator.html#. UkjWxLw6R68
iPad only
iPad and iPod Touch /06/photo-and-text-apps- 1.html
iPad and iPod Touch /notes.html
iPad and iPod Touch dsdevicesinedu cation.blogspo 8/book- reviews-with- ipads-and- google- docs.html
iPad and iPod Touch
iPad and iPod Touch
Writing Toolkit ComputeriPad/iPod TouchOther Tools Drafting Publishing
Writers Toolkit ComputerOnlineiPad/iPod TouchOther Tools Drafting Publishing
References (2011). Education and iPads – home- Wikispaces Retrieved September 30, 2013, from (2012). iPads, iPods & Devices in. Retrieved September 28, 2013, from z/ (2009). iPods, iPhones in education- home - Wikispaces. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from ths. z/ ths